Monday, January 18, 2010

What do you all think about the Virginia Tech shooting? Isn't about time that gun control gets a little?

bit more controlled in the USA?? DUH?? What is going to be next? This is AWFUL!!! Just awful and so senseless!?!?!?!?!What do you all think about the Virginia Tech shooting? Isn't about time that gun control gets a little?
Yes there should be gun control, then they should ban cars because they kill twice as many people as guns every year. Then they should ban Pens because president bush used one when he declared war that is killing thousands of people. then maybe we should ban sunlight because it can cause skin cancer. Then we should ban going outside in the heat because you could die from heat stroke., Then we should ban airplanes because they killed people on september 11th. you know what maybe they should ban eating because you can eat yourself to death.What do you all think about the Virginia Tech shooting? Isn't about time that gun control gets a little?
maybe it's time to hole PEOPLE accountable for their actions. that would be a nice change.
guess what? it's going to happen again and again and again -- gun control will make no difference -- don't you remember what Clinton did after the Columbine shootings -- he enacted gun control measures -- the shootings continued --
The thing is how will gun control stop mass murders like this? He was legal and had all 3 pieces of identification, there was no reason to suspect the guy was up to something... So far there hasn't been any indication that this guy was anything except ';ordinary';

I once heard an interview of the mother of the guy who killed the 13 Montreal students and they asked her if did he anything strange shortly before he went on the rampage to indicate to her something was wrong and she said the only thing he did out of character was insisted that she take the birthday present he bought her though her birthday was 2 months away. That interview was so interesting, she does so few interviews but she really made me reassess my original thoughts on what sort of person does this.

There is a lot of guns all over the world but none of those countries seem to have the problems of mass rampage killings like the US. I think one has to try and figure out why these mass murders are happening... why are people choosing to go on rampage, what is bringing them to this decision and what psychologically is happening to trigger this.

Taking the weapons away will not stop it from happening, you need to fix the people or society or whatever is triggering this.
Yes it is.

As long as bullets canot distinguish betwen children, inocent people and nice people from terrorists, asasins, and Bush, guns should be something really hard to put your hands on.

In response to other people in this question...

To protect yor family tou need one?

the news are that bullets do not distinguish your family, nor triggers child hands...

Also, I feel pity for your family if you can麓t protect them with your own hands.
Well, gun control laws should be evaluated - but our right to bear arms should not be taken away. I don't think that resident aliens with green cards, illegals, felons or sociopaths/psychopaths should be able to purchase a gun legally. But that doesn't stop people who want guns from trying to obtain them - by any means necessary.

I do think that requirements/criteria for obtaining a gun legally should be more stringent than they are - a deep, investigative background check shouldn't take 2 minutes...

I agree that the whole thing is senseless, but that doesn't mean that we should start tearing up the constitution.
Virginia Tech was a gun free zone! Not even a person licensed to carry a gun was allowed to carry it there! That is why Cho was able to kill so many people without being stopped!
Gun control.............. is a steady hand.

Until the criminals obey the laws, no amount of gun control will make a difference. Why don't all the sportsmen and sports shooters commit crimes?

From this and Columbine it sounds more like we should ban rich kids who bully.
Too early for that
There is a saying that states, ';If guns are outlawed, then only outlaws would have guns.'; I tend to think it is a true statement.

More people die every year due to automobile accidents than guns, yet no one ever cries for stricter regulation and laws concerning automobiles.

The maniac who killed those students at VT was homicidal, and guns were the tool he chose to use to perpetrate his violence and madness. If a gun had not been available he might have built a homemade bomb, and instead of 32 (33) being dead, we could've easily had several hundred dead. It would've been easy for him to do such as components and instructions can be found on the internet. But we don't hear anyone condemning the internet for killing anyone.

Guns are an easy scapegoat, and if you think about it, are a right that was given to the people in order to empower them agains tyrrany. Yet it is often government officials who are the most vocal about getting rid of them.

When Adoplh Hitler managed to get rid of firearms it didn't take him long to assume complete control over Germany.

So lets not blame the inanimate tool a psycho wack job chooses to use, lets blame the psycho wack job.
i think we should. simply today, at our college, we had to evacuate because our security office recieved a shooting threat
Gun control means only the criminals will have guns . It's more dangerous than it sounds..when a political party seeks to disarm Americans ..

If people paid a small amount of attention to some of the drugs being prescribed to our nations boys and young men - the multiple , needless death rate would drop %26amp; so would most of these mass shootings at schools' . .Drugs like Prozac, which have been proven to induce violence %26amp; suicide in certain emotionally disturbed cases; and certainly most - if not all those envolved in other school shootings . Judges ignore expert testimony to this evidence - time after time.. because that's where the big money is ..Political campaigns depend on them . It's an open and shut case - evidence is ignored ; lives are ruined and wasted - yet drugs like prozak are still behind much of this violence .. Evidence , so strong ..that once a person is introduced to these mind altering drugs ..and decides to stop them..the uncontrollable urge to commit suicide or murder is overwhelming . Jails and death row are full of people who placed trust in these drugs . Instead of help..they got horror . Yet , everybody asks , ';why'; ? What I want to know why courts in this country place themselves above expert testimony ,and evidence - time after time ; example after example ; case after case ?? There are literally hundreds of case histories which attest to this .

JOHN D - That thumbs'; down ';should be ';up';..blame me talking on my cell ..sorry .
I think gun control need to be federally controlled if there were one set of laws across the board then all legal law abiding citizens could own weapons and local police chiefs wouldn't have the power to decide who gets to have a permit and who doesn't.And it is also ridiculous that a immigrant holding a green card can purchase a gun,it should be a right awarded to citizens only.Proud member of the NRA
Indeed - you may be correct. Australia introduced tougher gun laws, following the Port Arthur massacre in 1996. Gun-related deaths have *halved* in Australia, dropping to under 300 a year, in the last 10 years.

Read the article, if you wish:鈥?/a>

More recent stats are also available here:

There will be debate on the issue of gun control by both sides and it will pass in the history. The NRA will make statement at people kill people not guns.

In Virginia the killer was able to buy gun with little no problem or question asked. It is funny we have take test and prove we can drive car before we get license but not so to buy a gun.
You better get into bed or you'll be grounded
nobody would be for this. conservatives will be for the right to bear arms. liberals will be against the invasion of privacy. we all lose.
Yes it is horrible. By all means, lets pick up every gun in The United States. Then only nuts like the jackass shooter will find a means to obtain one. Most likely from the people who receive them.

Guns as a whole have not changed that much in the past 100 years. I can remember when a person was able to go into a hardware store and purchase a firearm. I bought one at age 12. By comparison there was not much crime. No mass shootings.

Now, I will ask, if guns have not changed and there is much more crime, including mass shootings, what has changed?

You got it. People have changed. Wall la The Liberal. The Saviors of the World. The rehabilitator of the born loosers.

The no discipline people. They enable the nuts to do their thing.

In my life time there have been several occasions when having a gun has prevented harm and possibly death to me and others. A bully has a healthy respect for the barrel of a .45 aimed at his head. If that does not do the trick a round about 5 inches over has never failed.

So you see if some degenerate conservative had been there on campus in close proximity, who had a gun and could use it wisely, the nut may have killed a couple but that's about it.
Gun control would help if criminals and psychopaths would obey it, which they won't.

Unfortunately, it will ultimately cause honest citizens to be unable to defend themselves or their loved ones.
The killer guy had turned in a paper to his english teacher that had prompted her to reccommend a counselor to him. He didn't go, and look where he is now! Listen to your teachers!!! I don't think gun control has anything to do with this. The mental health of a single person does.
Conservatives want looser gun control so more people can protect themselves from dangerous people with guns.

Liberals want tighter gun controls so no one can get guns.

Truth - dont use one example to define gun laws - look at the statistical evidence of deaths to gun control laws and see at what level does it lead to the least death rates.
just one word....unbelievable. gun control needs to get tougher. un4tunately, even tougher laws are not even enough.

Why is it that law abiding citizens should start loosing their right to bear arms because 1 psycho goes on a shooting spree!

This is a terrible tragedy and I find it disgusting that barely 24 hours after the horrific events, people start blaming everything and everyone under the sun accept the person at fault.

The dead guy who pulled the trigger.

Yes. He obtained both weapons legally. He was a legal citizen, and passed a background check with flying colors. Both times. His only record was 2 speeding tickets.

But you HAVE to understand that a mad-man on a rampage will NOT be stopped by laws.

If he couldn't get a gun legally, he would have found a way to get one illegally. Or maybe found plans on how to make a gun, bomb or grenade off the Internet.

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