Monday, January 18, 2010

In the USAF I was a 27650(Aerospace Control & Warning Systems Operator) and upgraded to 27670(Space

While in the USAF I was a 27650 AC%26amp;W (Aerospace Control %26amp; Warning Systems Operator). Afterwards I upgraded to a 27670 (Space Systems

Operator Technician) where I worked at NORAD/COC for 1st Space Wg and the beginning of the U.S.Space Shuttle program.

How can I convert this in to terms that civilian employers might understand?In the USAF I was a 27650(Aerospace Control %26amp; Warning Systems Operator) and upgraded to 27670(Space
You might be able to break it down into specific skills. It's not at all clear what those might be. Cool head in life-and-death real-time situations? Analysis? Some computer skills? 3-D kinematic visualization?

As a guess, maybe you could get into air traffic control.In the USAF I was a 27650(Aerospace Control %26amp; Warning Systems Operator) and upgraded to 27670(Space
Simply omit the military jargon and describe what you did in each position. Employers will want to know what specific skill or quality that you possess made you successful at each job. If you need to explain that the switch from one position to another was considered a promotion, then simply describe that the Air Force considers it to be that way.

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