Monday, January 18, 2010

After the V. Tech shootings (33 dead), is it time for tougher gun control laws?

Would this crime have happened if it weren't so darned easy in this country to buy a gun or guns?After the V. Tech shootings (33 dead), is it time for tougher gun control laws?
No, gun control causes crime. Gun control has never worked anywhere so why cite it as a solution? Gun control is for Stalin and Hitler, not free Americans.

I think it was a tragedy first and foremost and my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families.

The killer alone caused the crime, but the high number of victims is directly caused by gun control. The Virginia Tech killer never registered his gun, so why cite registration as a solution?

They were just sitting ducks with no way to defend themselves much like the victims of Colin Ferguson. Concealed-carry advocates warned us all long ago to expect tragedies like this as long as we have gun control.

When only criminals have guns the rest of us can only ponder tactics like ';notifications.'; Up to two million Americans defend themselves with guns and citizens with guns legally kill two times as many would-be killers as do police!

In a state where concealed-carry is allowed or promoted, the loss of life could have been much less. He may have shot one or two, but a concealed-carrier would have dispatched him right quick.

Sadly there is no way to prevent a killer with a gun. In tribal Africa where there are no manufactured guns, tribesman make them from pipes and rubber-bands so clearly gun control is not the answer. You can make a gun out of wood in an hour! He could have stabbed just as many with a knife.

Since you will never stop the OFFENSE, we must allow ourselves a DEFENSE. We are not all of one culture anymore, so violence will only increase.

HB 1572 was a Virginia state bill to allow college students to carry arms on campus to protect themselves from tragedies like what happened at Virginia Tech. The bill was defeated

The spokesman for Virginia Tech was happy to hear the bill [HB 1572] was defeated. ';I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus.';

The fact is NOT passing the bill allowing students to defend themselves caused many more deaths. States that pass concealed-carry laws experience lower crime rates, Texas is a good example of this.

The only way to prevent these killing rampages is concealed-carry. Would you rather protect yourself or wait for the folly of police or school ';notification?”After the V. Tech shootings (33 dead), is it time for tougher gun control laws?
Yes, someone that disturbed is going to find a way to kill if that's what they want to do. In the 1980s the worst serial killer in the history of the world was a man in the Soviet Union. With all their strict government controls on everything, Andrei Chikatilo aka ';Citizen X'; still found a way to murder over 50 women and children.

WIth all the power that Corporate America now has and with someone like GWB running the country, I absolutely don't want to see our right to bear arms repealed.
Of course it is time.. but it will never happen.. big business and the Stupid Rifle Association will keep the law there. I can only hope that the next time there is a killing and there will be.. it is children of the fools who keep these laws legal.

It is too late in the United States.. we have had guns for too long now.. what a very backward country we are after all. We should all be ashamed and have these kids lives on our conscience.
Well considering no one knows, who the shooter is, what weapons he used during the shooting.

Your question is a little premature.

Who's to say the shooter didn't legally buy his weapons after a background check and taking a training class.

We just don't know right now.
Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
It is time to curb the national lover affair with violence and murder. Our most popular movies, film, computer and video games, music in this country promote, and glamorize gratuitous violence. It is the match that lights the fuses of those on our society that are already on the edge.

Note the trend prior to the 1960's guns were lest restricted and widely availbale but gun crime was still low. As this country restricted the media less and less and violent random sensless violent crime soared.

This society worships violence. Is it suprising that some turn fantasy into reality?
HELL NO! If you outlaw guns, only the outlaws will continue to have guns. Is that the kind of place you want to live in?

This guy could just as easily killed 33 people by running them down with his car. Should we ban cars then?
Gun control laws only serve to keep guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens. Every dictator, throughout history has pushed for gun control. You have to control guns to have a dictatorship. This is why we made the 2nd Amendment. If all the students were armed too, then there probably wouldn't be any school shootings, because if you shot someone, it could cause a civil war and nobody wants that.
All that is going to happen with tighter gun laws is that only the criminals will have them. I bought my gun legally for protection and even got a permit to carry it. It wasn't as easy as you think it is. The only EASY way to get a gun is illegally. (I have had a stalker for 13 years and the idiot even knew when I went to the cops and had them start a stalking file on me. He has friends who gave him the information. The only reason he stays away now is he has seen my gun, I showed it to him when he came to my house after my hubby went to work. I told him I would use it. He still follows me around. Even out of state!) So, NO, no new gun controll. Let citizens have their rights!
No on the gun control, but it might be time for better lunatic control.
The time was way before this tragedy happened.
well, if more people carried guns the shooter would have gotten put down a lot faster....
This guy had a handgun, and several clips. That means that he put a lot of thought and planning into his crime. Do you believe he wouldn't have found a gun elsewhere? If I thought for a minute that creating laws could solve this problem, I'd be right there with you, but some things simply can't be legislated away. In the absense of guns, he could have built pipe bombs or home-made grenades. I understand that it's unsettling to learn that safety is illusory, but I don't believe that the legislative branch can solve the particular problem.
Guns don't kill people. People with guns shooting at people without guns kill people. Make guns more accessible to the everyday citizen.


people will always be able to get guns and kill people. gun control has not changed it.
If you check into the laws, you'll find that it isn't easy to legitimately buy a gun(Hollywood not withstanding). A better answer would be to allow those people who want to have guns, have them. Had there been one or two armed citizens in the vicinity, this guy might have been stopped, before all these people got killed. We can not depend upon the Police to be standing beside us, to protect us. We must do it ourselves, and take responsibility for our own safety.
absolutely not, in fact I am seriously considering carrying on campus. If you take away legal firearms they all that is left is the illegal ones. How are honest citizens able to protect themselves? Concealed carry licensing should be available in all state including DC. However they shouldn't be as loose as states like Washington, where anyone can walk in pay $60 and get a five year license (there is a Background check). Texas has it right, there you have to attend a class on deadly force and safety, and in addition the applicant must show proficency with a handgun. If even 10-20% of the adult population were carrying these event would be less likely to occur, and if they did there is a higher probability that they will not escalate to this degree.
No, because now that people can own guns they can defend themselves like they did at Va. Tech, and 33 people won't die, and...oh, wait a minute.
Do you honestly think that shooter or shooters would not have had weapons with tougher gun laws? There are many places to get them. Often people do not stop to think about just how many guns are out there and how few are ever used for a crime.

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