Monday, January 18, 2010

Tech help with 1989 CHEVY Silverado Climate control vent actuators?

I recently had my heater core replaced and afterwards the airflow only came out of the floor vents no matter what was picked.

It really pisses me off when I drive on cold days and the window fogs up like a mother.

It has a push button electronic control and appears to have motor vent actuators as apposed to the vacuum style. I tested the 3 relays behind the dash the climate system uses and they all work fine although the motor vent actuators aren't budging.

I suspect a disconnection somewhere but I don't know where. The dash electronic climate control unit appears to send the commands fine to the relays but after the relays nothing happens. Heat control works fine.

Any ideas? GM Experienced techs only please.

Tech help with 1989 CHEVY Silverado Climate control vent actuators?
the blend door or the actuator that directs the flow of air is unplugged or the physical door itself is jammed...this all has to be disassembled to install a heater core....your system is vacuum driven...chances are its unplugged or there a vacuum line that didn't get hooked this blend door sysytem.....look under the dash on the passenger side for either ...also look under the hood to make sure that the vacuum is hooked up at the sorce...your under hood vacuum routing sticker will show you where the vacuum originates from.....but why not go back to who you paid to do this job? paid for a complete job...why not get it?Tech help with 1989 CHEVY Silverado Climate control vent actuators?
Your wiring is messed up. Follow the harness to see where it is shorted.

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