Monday, January 18, 2010

Pregnancy test: Tech said that the test line showed before the control lone, and was just as dark. Twins???

NO history of twins in family, but why hormone so high?Pregnancy test: Tech said that the test line showed before the control lone, and was just as dark. Twins???
maybe your hcg levels are high because your further along than expected... and it might be possible for them to spike.. also maybe the test was just very sensitive... Good Luck and Lots of baby dust ++++++++++++++++++

TracyPregnancy test: Tech said that the test line showed before the control lone, and was just as dark. Twins???
There's no way to determine if you're having twins just from the pregnancy test alone (pee on stick) only way is to have a sonogram and even then, sometimes (rarely, though) doctors miss them. Also, if the control line showed up and the test was messed up, maybe you aren't really pregnant and it's just something else in your system (a cyst, hormone levels, etc.) that's causing a false positive. Did you check with your doctor?
Determining whether you have twins from HCG levels is not an exact science. The levels do tend to be higher, but there is a lot of overlap between the healthy singleton and healthy twin HCG counts, so you really can't tell. Especially since they only did a qualitative (line) test rather than a quantitative (gives an actual number). Basically you have 3 options:

1) You have twins. Congrats! Someone in your family had to be first, and it looks like it's you.

2) You ovulated earlier than you thought and so you are further along with a singleton pregnancy than you thought. Congrats!

3) You have a high HCG singleton pregnancy for whatever reason. Congrats!

Ask if your doctor will order an earlier ultrasound than normal to see if you can see two gestational sacs or just the one. That's really the only way to tell for sure.

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