Saturday, January 16, 2010

Did the Virginia Tech shootings raise questions about gun control?

Did the Virginia Tech shootings raise questions about gun control?Did the Virginia Tech shootings raise questions about gun control?
Yes! lots of questions, Virginia is one of the worst states in the U.S. when it comes to controlling the sale of guns, also the universities gun policy was questioned by studentsDid the Virginia Tech shootings raise questions about gun control?
Hello! A student with an Alien Registration Card, a Drivers License and a checking account can buy a Glock 9mm handgun? What is wrong with this picture I had no idea you could buy a handgun of this caliber. I thought you would need major credentials to buy this kind of gun like state police id's for a reason to buy this gun.

I posted a similar question and got slammed by gun control people. Relax You can have all guns you want. My uncle fought on D-Day for all freedoms way past you can imagine
There is a lot of controversy over Virginia's weaker gun laws. There is no wait to get a gun in Virginia like there is in California, Nevada, and a bunch of other states. You can get a gun in less time then it takes to get a hair cut. This is not good because you could still be in the heat of the moment in an argument and purchase a gun before you have a chance to cool down and think rationally
All gun control will do is to make sure only criminals will have guns. Do you really think if guns were illegal crooks would line up to turn in their guns.There is already a law that if you use a gun you go to jail. That hasn't slowed down the use of guns.Crazy lunatics will always find a way to commit their crimes.
Probably not. Maybe it should have.

Just one isolated case in millions upon millions of successful gun sales won't change a thing.

What intrigues me is that as all the necessary checks are going on during the sale, nobody asks themselves what a young man going to college needs a handy/deadly weapon for.

So maybe the salesman looks into the eyes of the student, and all he sees is a stern looking young man...and thinks to himself...He's just looking to buy this gun for some target practice...or maybe might be entertaining thoughts of going into the military.

Nobody along this young man's path to destruction was capable of stopping whatever they were doing, looking at what he was all about...and saying....darnit, I'm not going to let this kid keep going at the pace he's going!



Freedoms. Freedom to buy and carry man killing weapons.

Freedom of speech as practiced on college campuses.

The carnage won't end with this incident. I wish it would.

Every dispute can find resolution at the table!

Every twisted mind needs to be looked at!

Every gun sale ALSO needs to be looked at.

That deadly weapon...what was it going to be used for?

Killing squirrels?

Did I answer your question? Did I ask enough questions?

Will all gun merchants begin tomorrow with more questions?

Guess not...because the stock of Smith and Wesson went from $2.00 a share to $14.00 a share in the last year.
Oh yes it did and it should.....
Yes, I think that it did. It should.
Certainly. But I believe that we should be able to own and carry them. If I were in the university while that killer was shooting, I want to be able to defend myself.

If we rid the world of guns, then this could be a discussion about knives, baseball bats, ropes, chains, forks, automobiles, gasoline, matches, etc.

I'm of the belief that people kill people and the weapons are only the symptoms.

What we need to do as a society is get involved when we see people who are troubled. Think of the thousands of opportunities to intersect with this guy that were passed up for what ever reason. Now ask yourself if those reasons were more important than people losing their lives.
yes and has parents in Virginia as well as other states like that or high traveled places will and are seeking safer informant's for children even to the point of home schooling and teachings on computers, you be these cases do have impact on our nation.
Well it has brought to life some well needed truths. Since Agust 1, 1966, when Charles Whitman killed 16 people At Texas University, there have been 75 people killed in mass shootings at college campuses and univesities in the U.S.

shooters have came from all walks of life white, black, Amish, and now, Korean. There is no ryme or reason to this senseles tragedy.

According the the very anti-gun Brady Center for Gun Control 100,000 people each year use fireams to protect themselves in deadly situations. The NRA has the number closer to 1 million. the truth is probably somewhere in between.

These deaths are horrific tragedies. I will not try to belittle that fact at all. However, going by the Brady numbers, had it not been for citizens using firearms in self defense 100,000 innocent victims could have died last year.

According to an F.B.I. report release about six months ago, violent crime is down 38% overall since 1991. According to the stats from ATF, 70 million guns were purchsed during that time.

So, anyone trying to make this about gun control really has a reality problem. We do not need gun control. We need nut control.

Everytime one of these phychos goes over the edge people try to blame the gun. It's not the gun. It's the idiot pulling the trigger.

This guy had been showing predatory and anti socail behavior since at least 2003. There aren't any real laws on the books saying he could be involutarily committed for observation . Even in states where that can be done, the obsevation is only 24 hours. If you want a 7 day waiting period on a gun , why not have a 7 day obsevation period for suspected nut cases like this guy.

This shooting has touched my heart deeply. And it was so preventable. It sickens me to think about how the Brady Center people are now foaming at the mouth like the rabid dogs they are. They already have a plan in place for just such an event, I'm sure. What they should spend thier resouses on is a way to prevent mentally ill poeple like this from getting so sick in the first place. But, logic has never really been thier stong suit.
No, this was an evil act by an evil and disturbed person and if he followed gun control laws he would not have had the guns on the campus but he did care and that law ment nothing to him
gun control would not a prevented it. what we need is mental control.
I'm sure it did.
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