Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why is there no strict gun control after NIU, Virginia Tech, et al?

This does not make any sense to me. People in the USA do not need guns in my opinion. Food can be purchased in grocery stores.Why is there no strict gun control after NIU, Virginia Tech, et al?
Keep honking I am reloading. What Communist country are you from?Why is there no strict gun control after NIU, Virginia Tech, et al?
Yes but how does that food get to the grocery store in the first place? They have to shoot the animals. The Founding Fathers knew that a gun wielding society was necessary for a free state. The second amendment was implemented for one reason. If the government goes too far. If the government were to become totalitarian, fascist, etc... and a peaceful protest movement wasn't enough (if the police, military started killing people). The people would need guns to revolt. Almost every bastard regime in history took the people's right to bear arms. Look up the Nazi Weapons Act of 1938 for Nazi Germany's example.

The Soviet Union took those rights away, Mussolini's Italy took those rights away, Mao Zedong took those rights away, Castro, I could go on and on. Also, all your doing when you gut the second amendment, is giving guns to the criminals. The criminals are going to get their guns whether it's banned or not. An excellent example is what happened in Toronto. Toronto banned handguns in 2003. What happened was guns were smuggled from the United States for Jane and Finch gangs, Rexdale gangs, whatever. In 2005, Toronto had a record 52 gun murders. It was the highest murder total in 30 years. Gutting the second amendment does you no good.
Cars kill people, matches cause fires that kill people,heart attacks kill a lot of people..mabey we should outlaw them too....GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE...... PEOPLE DO!
I am generally not opposed to individual ownership of guns. But anyone who thinks that we don't have a gun problem in this country isn't paying attention. The number of deaths that comes from the end of a barrel of a firearm is simply unacceptable. Canada has similar gun laws as the U. S. but does not have the problem with violence that exists here. Could it be they have better fought poverty, and differences between the haves and have-nots?
You have to put this question to the gun lobbyists in Washington D.C.!
It has nothing to do with food. We have a 2nd amendment for a reason. To protect ourselves. Washington dc has made gun control laws 1972. A study shows that from 1991 -2001 the murder rate rised 200%. Only 2% of the murders were made by persons who were registered gun owners. This is because the citizens have no means of protecting themselves from criminals. In Switzerland, it is mandatory for all home owners to have a firearm and their murder rate is zero% This is because the criminal knows they are armed and it is too risky. If you don't believe in guns, then maybe you should do some research on gun control. 99% of college and high school shooting have been made by individuals who came from metal institutions. By federal law they are not allowed to own a firearm. There is a black market however.
The Second Amendment has nothing to do with procuring food. It has everything to do with personal liberties and the Resistance to tyranny.

One of the first acts of any tyrant is to confiscate civilian firearms. Unarmed peasants make for better cannon fodder. Ask Mugabe's subjects in Zimbabwe.

More people were killed in the 20th Century by tyrants then personal firearms.

I will make a deal with you; if you can completely rid the world of tyrants, bullies, criminals and psychopaths, then I will relinquish my firearm.

Until then I will leave the slavery to you.
Yeah food can be purchased in grocery stores. I'm slightly retarded and I know that last line made no sense.
Gun control does not work. NIU was a no gun campus. The law abiding students and faculty complied, the bad guy did not. Perfect example.
this are all inside jobs using MK-Ultra type ';programmed assassins'; used to attack the second amendment.

there was mountains of eyewitness accounts at Columbine to show that there was many adult shooters at work that day apart from the mind controlled teenagers blamed for it.
Unfortunately, taking guns away from the citizens would have no effect on shootings. Only law abiding people would not have guns. Meth and other drugs are illegal. But that doesn't stop the purchase and use. The same would hold true for guns. The criminal element would still obtain firearms.

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