Wednesday, January 20, 2010

GUN CONTROL guns, virginia tech, 2nd amendment?

PLEASE explain WHY we must have gun shops for the general public. WHY? I am looking for a REAL GOOD REASON. Protection?, come on! The 2nd amendment right to bear arms is ludicrous TODAY, maybe 200+ years ago but NOT today. Only law enforcement and certified security personnel need guns. Surely with gun control crazies would not conveniently buy guns, some would, many would be rejected or puzzled by the purchase process or street dealing.

target shooting? hunting? give em up like one has to give up a sport because of injury. I ruined my knee, had to give up basketball, baseball... but took up bike riding. life has disappointments. sure many crazies would find other ways but some would NOT. HOW freakin important is your obsolete civil war mentality and god damn need to shoot TARGETS!!! former NY'er I've been victim to 2 violent crimes, and I was on Bernie Goetz's side from the git. We do NOT need GUNS to protect ourselves from the govt. They stick it up our butts in ways guns cant.GUN CONTROL guns, virginia tech, 2nd amendment?
What I don't understand is why the assault weapons ban was allowed to lapse. Had it still been in effect a month ago, this kid Cho could not have purchased any more than a ten-round clip, as I understand the facts to be. Of course, any bullets at all in this kid's hands was a nightmare scenario, but since there was no longer an assault weapons ban, he killed some three times as many people as he would have otherwise.

I dig the Constitution and am trying to be at peace with the Second Amendment. What I want someone to explain is WHAT is a ';well regulated militia'; and whether the comma after ';arms'; might actually mean something other than what the NRA thinks it does.GUN CONTROL guns, virginia tech, 2nd amendment?
Let's be practical about this. Guns, when used illegally, hurt and kill. When law-abiding citizens are allowed to carry them, it becomes a lot harder to massacre dozens of people.

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';When law-abiding citizens are allowed to carry them, it becomes a lot harder to massacre dozens of people.';

Yes, but I go to school to learn and I live in this country to live in freedom, not the fear of being attacked by some psycho.

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I just had to submit my opinion. I too believe that there should be some control on guns, but I don't know the right level. As long as more americans want and buy guns to keep the shops in business. This is not a simple black %26amp; white issue as you would like it to be.

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You are so naive.

Oh, I am ALL for getting guns out of the hands of people like Cho. But, even if we ban them COMPLETELY, so that no one can go buy a handgun, shotgun, rifle, assault you REALLY think that will stop things like this from happening? Not at all. When you have someone who is determined to take their rage out on the world, they will find the means to do it. So, go ahead and close down EVERY gun shop in the world. So no one can legally buy a gun. What is THAT going to do?

Not a God blessed thing.
as long as man consents to rule by government, each man (ie: responsible citizen) shall reserve the right to keep and bear arms.

now quit wasting our time.
You're not required to ';Protect'; yourself, or your loved ones if you choose not to. But those of us who feel that it is in our loved ones best interest to protect them from anything that we can, will continue to do so.

Despite what you might think, Law enforcement has no legal responsibility to protect individuals.....Not according to the Supreme court at least.

Enjoy your ignorance, I'll keep my protection....Thanks!

We need guns to protect us from idiots like this dude at Tech. Too bad someone wasn't carrying!
Hey you do your thing and we will do ours.... Live and let live.... Which would you like to be Predator or Prey, Victim or Survivor%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;You decide.......You are sadly mistaken in your beliefs........
That is your opinion, and you have every right to it.

But do you honestly think that not having gun shops will stop guns and crimes committed with guns? If someone wants a gun, they are going to get a gun. That is that. At least with the gun shops it puts up some sort of ';regulation';.

The shooter at VA Tech passed the background check. But why should we penalize people for something they haven't done yet, but could? Hell, no man can be left alone with a child, for most child preditors are male, and this would keep children safe from being molested or abused. It is the same thing.

I think that every person has the right to figure out how they want to live and run their lives. It is not up to the government to legislate morality, and it is not up to the government to decide how a person is going to live. Going down that road will bring us much closer to Orwell's ';1984'; and ';Big Brother';.
If he hadn't bought the guns in a gun shop, he would have gotten them on the street. And what if he had made a bomb instead, a'la Timothy McVeigh, or poisoned the cafeteria, or put a chemical agent in the heating sytem?

This school knew he was a nut case some time ago, yet they did nothing. He wrote papers so disturbing that the school won't realease them to the media. He set fires, he made bomb threats. Why was he still at the school? The gun purchases were just the beginning of the end of a downward spiral that could have been stopped months ago.
I think the propeller on your avatar's beanie says everything that needs saying about this question.
I feel the 2nd amendment is always taken out of context when USA citizens are discussing their right to carry guns. If you really read the constitution and look at the history and context of the requirements that the government of the day wanted people to carry weapons its clear that the government of the time was trying to ensure the security and safety of their people. Over the years where these guns have been turned to different uses and the fact that USA being a super power would never really require the people to form a Militia to come to the defense of the nation means that the amendment is no longer relevant to its needs and should have been sort long ago. It like the really ancient laws that Europe had on it book which allowed the beating of women during daylight hour to keep her in line - it is ludicrous in this day and age.

However I feel gun toting Americans will not change their way regardless of how many of there children are killed.

It is so sad, - I expect the millions of tears shed will just be soaked up by the fabric of American life and things will move on.

So, sad.
Thanks for the rant. Too bad closed minds don't come with closed mouths.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
oh its ridiculous huh. how will you protect your family when a gun toteing robber breaks into your house and you don't have one because the right to own a gun has been taken away from you, and your family ends up dead because only criminals have guns. come up with something else because I won't be giving up my gun to make you and the other anti-gun people happy
Firearms are used by private citizens in the U.S. to legally protect and defend themselves over 2 million times every year. The police can not be everywhere and can not protect everyone.
I am a hard core Liberal and I think gun ownership is a pursue of happiness if someone gets their kicks off shooting a gun in a safe place so be it. I also don`t think you should not eat anything you are not willing kill yourself. I see the Republican talking points are that the Liberals want to take your guns away put I think these days it is the extreme religious right that wants guns ban.
Gun control is not the answer, if some crazy dude is going to snap and kill a bunch of people gun control will not stop him.
Learn about what happened after the Nazis instituted gun control for the people in the 1930's and you might begin to get a clue.
While we're at it lets ban freedom of speech. The only reason people use it is to bash someone else, or the government. Let's also ban the freedom of press, then we won't have to read all them lies in the tabloids. Of course the Fourth Amendment has got to go, that way we could kick in doors at random to see who is violating the law and who isn't. Heck, let's just burn the Constitution and start all over. All of those rights are over 200 years old and are outdated. Don't you agree?
I do not think ALL guns should be banned, however I do believe handguns and automatic weapons SHOULD be banned. Or at least restricted far more than they are today.
Excuse me but, your reasoning is exactly the same that got hitler in power. In the broadest since Citizens need guns to protect them from an oppresive government. in todays enviroment We need guns and other weapons to protect our persons, Because the police and security guards cannot be there 24/7 and because the police is not there to protect you as an individual they are to maintain order and protect thr public at large.(There is also the famous court case, in which a woman who sued the DC police for taking over two hours to respond to her call of an intruder entering her house, was told that the police had no responsibility for the safety of individual citizens. She was beaten and raped; the police arrived just in time to do nothing. ) Bottom line is we need lots of guns and other implements of destruction and the training to use them properly.
The grass is always greener on the other side. Did you know cars kill people?. Did you know disease, food, water, wind, and natural causes kill people?. Did you know people kill people without the use of a weapon?. Why don't we picket Mother Nature?. Why don't we just ban people?.
Years ago a town in Georgia proved the concept that gun ownership reduced crime. The adult citizens of the town were required by law to have a firearm and the ammunition for it. The crime rate dropped to practically nothing. There have been several interviews done with inmates who said that the homes they would be least likely to burglarize, the citizens they were least likely to try to rob, were the ones where they thought they might come up against a gun. So apparently personal protection is a valid reason. Give up target shooting and hunting? If you hadn't hurt your knee and someone suggested that you give up your sports you'd have thought they were crazy. ';You shouldn't do it because I don't want to do it'; is not a valid argument against gun ownership and their use.

';KENNESAW, Ga - Several Kennesaw officials attribute a drop in crime in the city over the past two decades to a law that requires residents to have a gun in the house.

In 1982, the Kennesaw City Council unanimously passed a law requiring heads of households to own at least one firearm with ammunition.

The ordinance states the gun law is needed to ';protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants.';

Then-councilman J.O. Stephenson said after the ordinance was passed, everyone ';went crazy.';

';People all over the country said there would be shootings in the street and violence in homes,'; he said. ';Of course, that wasn't the case.';

In fact, according to Stephenson, it caused the crime rate in the city to plunge.

Kennesaw Historical Society president Robert Jones said following the law's passage, the crime rate dropped 89 percent in the city, compared to the modest 10 percent drop statewide.

';It did drop after it was passed,'; he said. ';After it initially dropped, it has stayed at the same low level for the past 16 years.'; ';
If your opposed to the second amendment then don't own guns.

The reason people have firearms ranges from personal protection to to recreation. Whether you like or not peolpe have these rights. I imagie someone who has been the victim of 2 violent crimes would be more sympathetic to the right to bear arms.

Another thing to consider is not everybody lives in a major city where police respond quickly. In rural areas guns are both a tradition and a necessity.

I too used to live in NYC, so I can relate to some of what your saying. However, living in a rural Southwestern area, wild animals are now my biggest threat, and on accasion using a firearm has been necessary.

What people don't seem to understand is, that no matter how many gun laws you pass, you can't legislate what people are going to do with them once they purchase one.
Hunting and fishing is a way of life in my family and we have always had and Will always have guns. The 2nd admendment is there for a reasaon. Let me get this straight, just because you screwed up your knee and had to quit sports, then we should have to give up something too? Your the same liberal that says ';what is your is mine';! Security of our property and families is a must, especially in today's liberal screwed up world, with people like you. Gun control is HITTING your target! People kill people, not guns! Go back to your kool-aide! And I agree with Alan!
If guns were banned, we'd be worse off than we are now, no meat for food, hunters provide food, no protection, so you go ahead and be all against guns and we'll see who comes out on top. I suggest you shut your mouth and don't worry about it!

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