The tools of a carpenter can make a shelter or a gallows; A weapon can be used to defend life or rob it. What distinguishes their use is the wielder of these tools, and what distinguishes the wielder is the level of which their personal virtues and perceived connections have been developed.Why do Americans not want better gun controls? Isn't the tragedy at Virginia tech a wake up call?
The points made in the question and the best answer are well taken, but there are other matters affecting this issue. Society's quality/';state of mind'; play a major role in this too. I'm limited to 300 characters, so I guess we'll have to wait until my book comes out.
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Why do Americans not want better gun controls? Isn't the tragedy at Virginia tech a wake up call?
';A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.'; The founding fathers were THEMSELVES citizens fighting AGAINST their native nation's militia. If they had to do it once, they might have to again.
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I don't know what the answer is to prevent tragedies like this. But taking guns away from average citizens is not going to keep criminals from getting them.
first, tell me how gun control can stop a determined psycho killer like this?
These massacres don't happen in neighborhoods where some people carry guns. Why? They know they would be stopped.
The day the other Waco shot several people in a Utah mall (Trolley Square), an off duty Ogden City police officer, saved the lives of only God knows how many more victims by shooting The reason I'm explaining this is because I live in Utah and the next day by business reasons I had to enter Camp Williams (Army base) and because I had my weapon with me, they didn't let me in. That make me think, that maybe was better to leave my gun at home. Then I continue watching the news and saw the families of those who did lost their lives, and recognized that to carry a weapon is not a benefit to me, but to all the community. People are against the weapons for the same reason I am afraid to swim at the beach... Because Universal Studio did a hell of a good job with the movie Jaws.
When you are standing at the bank, K-mart, etc. You are surrounded by people with guns. They are just law abiding citizen... Now only the Wacos do something like it happened yesterday, and the only thing you'll get if you get it your way, is a lot more aggressions against the law abiding citizens by criminals wannabe that do not have the guts now, but knowing that there is no one to defend the victim, will perform.
Why do you think the victims where so many yesterday? Because the VT prohibit fire arms on campus... (Just like the U of U in Utah...) Ironic isn't it. No weapons on campus for the responsible citizens but the Waco had two.
By the way, the NRA do not have a lot of money... They do have a lot of members who have a little bit of money each, and spend them lobbying so we can keep our guns to defend people like Chrys who are not courageous enough to defend them self nor let others defend them. I'm wonder how are they still alive!!!
I also wonder if there where any pro gun control person at VT yesterday, and if they happened to had the thought of ';How do I defend myself?';
In Puerto Rico is very hard to get a permit or even to buy a weapon. But the criminals have arsenals... Don't let politicians to convince you otherwise. There is no reason for the nation fathers to write the amendment II for military purposes... Militants always had, and will carry guns... There is no need for a law for something that is Dee, Dee, Dee!
If I where there, I wouldn't have hesitate to shoot the Waco, that way... maybe your son, daughter, husband or wife, may be still alive with you... Think! People against guns don't have to buy one... but those who like them can not just defend them self but you as well.
God bless you all and the families of the victims from Utah, Virginia, and the US of A!!!
Why does this ridiculous question always come up when there is a wacko out killing someone? There has never been a documented shooting where a gun killed someone. The gun was just the vehicle used. Should we ban cars every time an idiot drives over someone? How about banning knives. They kill alot of people don't they? NO THEY DON';T. Its the crazies. Banning guns just takes them away from the law abiding people, like me.
Laws are on the books,however, I think enforcement of these laws is more the problem. I will concur with those who answered previously, if you are determined to cause harm, you will find a way, laws or not.
I think the media could do a more responsible thing by lessening the coverage of these kinds of events. The coverage now given to these events introduces this kind of irrational behavior to those out there who are a little shaky already.
Our forefathers knew something, as they gave us this right and our country. If guns were banned other weapons would be used. Such as knifes as i the UK, stabbing happen more there than in the USA.
Sorry but if i was attacked by a huge guy with a knife, i would not be able to defend myself. with a gun it levels the field and everyone is equal.
When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.
We have many thousands of gun laws now. If a criminal or a crazy person wants to get a gun, no law is going to stop him.
I'm really getting tired of answering questions like this.
Fact: Parents should be responsible for their kids up to 18 yrs of age.
Fact: Taking guns from law abiding citizens only results in leaving guns in the hands of criminals.
Fact: To leave oneself defenseless is stupid.
Fact: Take away guns, then you'll have to take away, bombs, baseball bats, clubs, golf clubs, canes, umbrellas, fireplace pokers/stokers, large sculptures, cars, trucks, vans, planes, trains, boats, ships, large glass bottles, sharp sticks, rocks, knives, poisons, gas, ropes, wires, guitar, piano, violin, viola, bass fiddle, banjo, sitar, zither, and harpsichord strings, anthrax, small pox, aids, lethal drugs, various metal, wooden, and hard plastic objects, hands, feet, and karate...
Fact: States that have fewer gun restrictive laws also have less crime.
Fact: Washington DC has the most gun control laws of all 50 States, and also has the highest crime rates and murders of all 50 States.
Fact: Liberalism is mental disorder that's going to get us all killed:(
If your not American butt out...
It's too late for gun control. If psychotic people want to get their hands on a fire arm, they can. I am sure that guy didn't think.....';uh, shoot, I can't go get a gun, so I guess I won't go blow as many people away as possible'; Gun control...WAY TOO LATE!
well it should be a wake up call!! we need to do something!!
NRA lifetime member
CCW permit owner
Not all Americans do NOT want better gun control. The majority of us are horrified by this tragedy.
No. Gun laws are only observed by the law abiding.
This incident was very sudden and tragic, I feel terrible. It's a shame that this had to happen but I agree with rossem.
If no one had a gun then the person who is best with a knife would kill a lot of people.
No, it's not a ';wake-up call.'; This is a tragedy, granted--but also a freak occurance. Normal people don't base their lives--or policy--on such.
And NORMAL people feel compassion fror the victims and their family--they don't see it as just a way to promote their political agenda. The ones who do are pretty sorry excuses for human beings.
If someone wants to rob a bank, or kill
someone, they will somehow manage
to get their hands on a gun.
We have a vein of sickness in our society.
Eventually, better education and technology
will make things better.
Passing more ordinances won't.
because the NRA has alot of money and pays a lot of people... also many americans use the reasoning of the second amendment... the truth is that the second amendment was ment so that milita forces were aloud to have weapons, it was never ment that everyone should have a gun but that when a state raised a milita, that there would be no problems with them having gunns... if america knew the real reason maybe they would be more likely to push for gun control laws...
but the truth is that unless no one is allowed to have a gun school shootings will continue, because people can allways find their ways around laws
It's not just about gun control. If a person is looking to do something like this they will find a way - get a gun, get one illegally, build a bomb, release something into the air during the middle of class. If somebody is sick enough to want to kill alot of people for no reason, gun control is not going to stop them.
If there was a nationwide ban on firearms (which all guns are restricted on the VT campus. How come this happened despite the strict gun controls?) in place before this event, two things would have changed...
1) Instead of breaking 20 some laws, Cho Seung-Hui would have broke 21 laws.
2) Millions of law-abiding citizens would have to decide between becoming criminals or continue abiding the law and go against their natural instinct to preserve the self.
You, the government, the UN, or anybody for that matter is in no position to judge and dictate the value of my life. The value of my life is directly proportional to the means afforded to me in defense of its continuation.
Too late. Guns are and will always be available. No amount of paper laws will stop a killer. How about adding better knife control, rock control, car control, better bomb control, airline control, fist control, poison control, etc, etc. How many ways are there to kill?
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