I think that this might be part of the problem. When one area is gun free, how do you enforce this without violating the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution. You do bring up a good point. Then the Gun Control Advocates do not think about the big picture.Should the gun-control politicians be held liable for the mass killings at Virginia Tech?
And just one person carrying a gun can take many lives.
Everyone thinks being allowed to carry a gun is the solution. Well, it's likely not. If it were to happen, eventually we'd return to the Wild, Wild West days. We're halfway there already with all the illegal guns on the streets. People are more stressed in this generation. Less patience, less self control. More legal guns will equate to more killing.
No one looks at BOTH sides of the problem. Until that happens, it will never be solved.
Arm some of the staff at schools.
I hold the shooter liable.
We should at least expect them, to admit, to what their
misguided policy does.
Look, not everyone wants to carry a gun. Guns kill, period. They don't just kill the bad guys, they kill the children who find them in the closet and the husband coming home from the business trip a night early. Get rid of guns altogether, no one gets shot.
no one should be 'blamed' for this incident except for the GUY WHO DID IT!....everything else can get sorted out and corrected later...
Yes. Citizens should be allowed to carry weapons for their own personal safety. If anything, this tragedy shows that.
If you believe that guns don't kill people, people kill people.
You can only hold the shooter liable....Anti gun groups want manufacturers libel. You want politicians libel....Same argument, both wrong...
so because the boy is dead people want to point fingers to someone? ridiculous. the only person to blame is the coward who took his own life and others
The only person to blame for this is the man that did the shooting.
Give me one gun law that would have prevented this person from getting a gun and committing this terrible crime.
If just one law abiding person with a permit to carry had been in that building the number of killed and wounded may not have been so high. Just a few months ago the government denied the right for anyone to have a gun on the Virginia Tech campus. Did that stop the killing? No, only the person that brought a gun on campus illegally had a gun.
You can bet that Rosie will be all over this, blaming the lack of gun control for this demented SOB killing all of these people. Rosie doesn't want anyone but her body guards to carry guns.
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