Monday, January 18, 2010

Was God in control when the killer murdered students at Virginia Tech?

Yeah I think God was in control during that incident.Think about it,if God wasn't there at all,that guy may have killed a hundred or more...Gods plans my friend is beyond the comprehension of our minds.Was God in control when the killer murdered students at Virginia Tech?
That kid had his free agency to do whatever he wanted to do. I'm sure there were many miracles that day, people who weren't killed who could have been. God gives us our choice of actions, even psycho killers, otherwise we would have followed Satan's plan where he had us all just do what he said with no free will.Was God in control when the killer murdered students at Virginia Tech?
Man makes his own decisions and someone innocent suffers, but if they are ready to be with God then they are going home where we will all be someday
maybe the kids did something really bad and he wanted to get back or something...but god is always watching over people if they beleive in him well who wouldnt??
God is ALWAYS in control. Sometimes He allows horrible things like this to happen for a reason. It doesn't make Him the author of the event, it just means He's allowed it for whatever reason. We may never know whay, but what we do know is that the Bible tells us ALL things happen for our good and His glory (Rom.8:28). We just have to trust Him.
We are not like pawns in a giant God chess game. We have free will and can choose our actions.
Not a very tactful question. But if you believe in God than you must accept it as His will. He does move in mysterious ways they say. I guess their(god believers...whatever God as well) right this time. Its a mystery to me how this could be part of some cosmic plan.
He knew of it and permitted it.

What was His reason.

Who knows. Not me.
no he wasn't, look people do thigns not because of faith or belief it's because of what they have experianced in their younger years. Everyone is a subject to their own fear, but there're some who have it worse than others. if one thinks that God has anything to do with it, is no better than the one who did it. i'm sorry to say but it's true, we are victims of ourselves. It's a psychological factor no matter what, stop saying God, God that. it was not him/her it was noone but the one who shot-up that school, as i said before on a previous question.

the term psychopath comes from an old greek term meaning divide mind, whcih basically talks about someone who loses their minds, it's like a switch that has been activated and cannot be turned off. If god played any part in this, than it comes to show that this so-called god is no better than the sad corruption we have created.

i know i am not gonna get best answer for this, and frankly i do not care, but you must understand that what happens when people shhot-up schools is not a matter of faith, but their own fear cathcing up to them.
Yes because Christians say ';everything happens for a reason'; so it was time for them to get blasted right?

My belief is that the person was wrong for what he did but not everyone makes smart decisions, people who smoke are killing themselves slowly but surely, when someone scarfs down a 10lbs dinner, they are slowly but surely killing themself. This guy just did it in a matter of hours =/


corse if i went insanse id be even better.

HOW?...simple. go to state capital and call poilice saying i dont belong here becase i gonna go insanse, as they hall me away, NO VOLENCE, all safe...end of storr...BUT OF CORSE THATS NOT THE AMERICAN WAY lolol we gots to go BLASTING EVRYTHING TO BITS...
yes. God doesnt make bad things happen, but he does allow it. its all part of his plan
Ever heard of free will? We've always had that and always will. Sometimes God will intervene and prevent something from happening, and sometimes i think he'll just let things happen to show us how bad us humans can be without love in our hearts.
if you are looking for answers all i can say is God allows this kind of thing to happen, for what reason i have no idea.

maybe so we can see the difference between good and bad.

maybe so we remember what is important.

i don't know, but i do know there is a God and i trust him.

i may not understand him, but i do trust him

i hope this helps.
Wow what a deep ? Yes God was in control. Was God in control of the man? Um interesting!! Was man in control of his actions? Or is man just responsible for his actions? How deep can we go? How about when God hardened the hearts of the Egyptians before they chased the Israelites into the Red sea? Could it be the same?
No, I doubt God ever wants this kind of thing to happen, but then I don't speak for him so . . .

Perhaps this was a wake up call to what the future is going to be like. Strange, it took three hundred years for Rome to fall to her knees . . . America is just beyond that threshold and our society is already falling . . . history has an odd way of repeating its self!
this is bigger than all of us. No one really knows if there is a God. This is something people have dreamed up to make themselves keep on living after they die. People can't just live and die. They want an Easter egg Christmas presents. And then they want to fly through the air with the greatest of ease, after they die. If God make some people live happy, let them.
The definition of '; EVIL '; is '; The Absence of Good ';.

The ultimate essence of evil consists of an individual, group, or organization using power to oppress others, while preserving its own sick identity. Evil people and institutions use others for their own purposes, denying them the dignity of freedom of choice while justifying their actions with lies and half-truths.

Since evil is the natural and logical consequence of the misuse of freedom, the way to prevent it would be for God to force people to do only '; Good ';. For example, God would not allow the death squad to shoot a soldier or a frazzled parent to unmercilessly beat to death her child. But this would be no freedom at all.

God created us to be free thinking individuals when He allowed us freedom of choice. He wanted us to be able to accept Him on the basis of our free will. He knew that most of us would reject Him some of the time, and that most a few would deny Him most of the time. He also knew that the

'; Gift '; of free will would enable men like that sniper at the Virginia school, to kill.

Therefore, the kind of suffering that this particular individual caused by going on a shooting rampage was entirely the guy using his own free will. God had nothing to do with it, whatsoever!

God is a God of love, which He has proven through the power of the cross. We who are created in His image and likeness, are free to accept or to reject His love. Love cannot exist outside the context of freedom. God does not want our love to be a blind, instinctual drive, but a decision made in freedom. This freedom must include the possibility of choosing self-will over friendship with God or else it is no freedom at all.

Even though God allows evil to happen does not mean that He approves of it. God '; Loathes '; human evil!

After the fall of our first parents, Adam and Eve, evil became a way of life among humanity, thus destroying our awareness of God's love and truth as a consequence. After we had rejected His truth and goodness, God took the initiative in helping us overcome our evil tendencies and regaining friendship with Him. He chose the Hebrew people and taught them His ways. He revealed His Laws to Moses that we might behave rightly. Finally, He too, became human in Jesus of Nazareth that He might stand with us in the battle against evil.

Christ's position was always to resist evil without further escalating it. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus broke the decisive hold of evil in this world, demonstrating that the power of goodness is stronger than evil. The resurrection of Jesus established a spiritual beachhead from which all creation shall eventually be renewed.

So, God is very concerned about human evil: He has done everything He can do -even becoming human Himself and suffering and dying for us -so that we might have the means to overcome evil.

So, the only other way in which God could eradicate evil would be to revoke His gift of free will -or to intervene in human history, getting rid of the evil among us once and for all. We as Christians know that the last option of banishing the evil in the world for good, will be excercised by God in the fullness of time. In the mean-time, we may trust God will give us the necessary strength to overcome evil with love.

Furthermore, God usually allows us to experience the natural consequences of our lives so that we might become more responsible. If God were to step in to prevent the occurrences in our lives, we would learn nothing and do nothing to correct our problems. Our response to the shooting at the Virginia school should be one of compassionate support to the survivors and families of the victims of this consequence of our imperfect nature.
No, the killer was in control and is responsible for his own actions. You should know that. This is true whether or not God exists.
Yes, He is in control of all things, but He does not control people. We all have free will - and people do wrong. This occurance is truly tragic, like so many other such things which happen around the world, but we have to remember, that we only see the small picture. God who is infinite and above all things, has the larger picture, and so we put our faith and trust in Him, for He works everything together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.

My heart goes out to all those families and friends involved in this great tradgety, and I pray that the God of all comfort will be their strength and peace.
Yes he was and is in control..he gives us freedom to do bad things as well as good things...why he allows bad things to happen I do not know...but rest assured he will have the final say...
no god was not in control, the depression of the killer was in control. This was a person with a very big need of attention unfortunately he didn't have any.
The Lord work in mysterious ways. God always has his reason just sometimes it hard to see them.
sorry to say it, but no, people have free will, and the only person in control was the gunman, you can never be safe from a determined maniac. i feel for the families, but to think that this was a devine plan is beyond stupid. i only regret that the coward was able to take himself out, sparing himself and leaving these families forever changed.
You need to read your Bible. Jesus has stated that it is the thief that comes to kill steal and destroy and He has come that you may have LIFE and have it more abundantly. And He was prefering to Satan has the Thief as He also is a murderer. God has given this world over to man and man has given it over to Satan until all things has been fulfilled...
gods not in control of anything. he created all and just watches as crap happens, he made us to learn by ourselves, thats why he made us with the ability and capability to survive, so we dont need to be babied by him
Freewill. God lets us do as we please without too much interference.

~ Eric Putkonen
Why do people like you ask questions like this.

Man has the ability to decide for them selves.

You already know that. You decided to ask this question.
No, his own dimensia was
Man/Women loose control %26gt; God is always in CONTROL!!

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