Monday, January 18, 2010

When the high tech ';system of the beast'; takes control of the first world countries will you stay or move ?

The system has already deceived the Christians into believing they will be they will be of no help in opposing the evil that will rise up all over the world.

.When the high tech ';system of the beast'; takes control of the first world countries will you stay or move ?
Those who are lost and without Christ will not be able to escape the rule of the Antichrist. They will be pawns in his hands to rule over as he sees fit. They will stop laughing at Christians when they see that the prophecy of the beast has come true and the Christians were right after all.

If they take the mark they will be instantly damned forever, and then they will stand before the Christian God, just as the Antichrist will, for judgment and sentencing for punishment.

Your final statement about Christians shows your ignorance of what your actual place in the society of the ';beast'; will be.When the high tech ';system of the beast'; takes control of the first world countries will you stay or move ?

This is a joke right?
I'll make a fortune selling tinfoil hats to the credulous.
Try smoking cigars with your mother, or vice versa.

Did you know that the high tech ';system of the beast'; is on sale now at Best Buy in the car alarm section? Pretty good deal. :-P

Seriously, If you correctly interpret scripture, you'll see the true church won't be around for that nonsense and the true Christians who become born again DURING the tribulation (after it has started) will never deny Christ no matter what evil befalls them.
You can get High Tech System of the Beast for a discount on EBay.

You poor deluded people. How can you live with with yourseves.....
Call this number to complain:

You have to be kidding... and if your not go find yourself a good doctor.
As an atheist I fear only the ignorance of all of you. There is no high tech system of the beast.

You only invent it to justify yourself.
must be conspiracy theory night do you have a little bunker in the woods too? do me a favor stock up on bottled water and canned goods like spam man i love spam
Christians will be taken to heaven before the system of the beast takes control. But for what you should do i do not know. Just don't take the mark!!
I rember that band what ever happened to them?

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