Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Did gun control play a factor in the V-Tech tragedy?

I don't mean they whack job that bought the gun, I mean the laws that prevent law abding people (faculty, staff, and students) from carrying concealed weapons. If one other person had a legal gun, would 31 people be dead today?Did gun control play a factor in the V-Tech tragedy?
Ya, more guns is clearly the answer. Americans...

You know they're saying nothing like this has happened in S. Korea before and it's likely true. Not from lack of trying though. My brother in laws highschool (my wife is S. Korean) hired gangsters to beat up the teachers there once years ago. S. Koren schools are like Nazi camps. Thing is if they'd had guns, it would have happened many times already. Just get rid of your friggin guns already. How many times does it have to be proven?Did gun control play a factor in the V-Tech tragedy?
if more people had been carrying guns the only thing certain is more people would have gotten shot cause they wouldn't have the necessary training to use them safely.
its really hard to say, when they do a background search on you and you have no record they can sell you a gun, noone can predict what a person is gonna do when anger takes control of them, many ppl who you think would never do this you cant say that because if they never went thru a bad trauma or let anger get them or society you dont know what they will do. When ppl are hurt and think they cant go to anyone for help and they want to end thier life usually they attack the area that caused it. its sad and its wrong but what can you do
maybe the fact that everyone can get a gun is a factor
Somewhat yes,but why would a kid have a gun in his room on a campus anyway?Who allowed that to happen?Sounds to me like campus security needs to be tightened on every campus everywhere to prevent such tradgedies from happening...
Yes, I do believe you are correct to a certain degree. If EVERY student and or teacher had a gun then yes there would be far less people dead.
Then how many more whackjobs would there be carrying guns?
There are no adequate gun control laws in Virginia and it is one stupid idea to load every person with a gun. Better to take the guns out of the hands of people than arm them.

No other country in the world is so enamored with guns like you Americans. Until this so called glorification of the gun is removed from the minds of Americans, this kind of tragedy will continue. VTech now opens the door more more copy cat killings as has happened before.
I think every law-abiding citizen should be able to carry a sidearm - concealed or otherwise. If Ryan Clark had been packing heat he could have stopped Cho in the dorm. Everybody should at least familiarize themselves with firearms. You never know when knowledge of firearms will come in handy.
I think it certainly would have changed the outcome for some people. If they were allowed to carry on campus, someone would have been able to take the shooter down. I used to be so against it until I went to my self defense class at college. In that situation, the only thing that will help you is a gun. I think laws should be changed for law abiding citizens to be able to carry legally. Most people who commit these types of crimes are not carrying legally anyway. So, allowing others to carry isn't going to increase the number of deaths, if anything it may decrease it.
I would have cut him down, if the chance had been there.
If we were all packin' heat, a lot more people would be murdered. In fact, I had a couple of ';dead people'; piss me off on the highway just this morning.
No, we're fools for thinking that taking the guns out of peoples hands will rid our society of hatred and killing. His mental problem was deep and if he didn't have access to a gun, he would have used something else.
i think that they should have guns and other forms of defense with them no matter where they go. if they dont feel safe after what happened, then they need to bring it up. the coward started a shootout b/c his girlfriend broke up with him and i heard that she was his first victim. he shot her at point blank range.

Why do Americans not want better gun controls? Isn't the tragedy at Virginia tech a wake up call?

Because the extent of which a society must rely upon laws more than human virtue show the level to which that society has failed and fallen from being a just and true society.

The tools of a carpenter can make a shelter or a gallows; A weapon can be used to defend life or rob it. What distinguishes their use is the wielder of these tools, and what distinguishes the wielder is the level of which their personal virtues and perceived connections have been developed.Why do Americans not want better gun controls? Isn't the tragedy at Virginia tech a wake up call?
The points made in the question and the best answer are well taken, but there are other matters affecting this issue. Society's quality/';state of mind'; play a major role in this too. I'm limited to 300 characters, so I guess we'll have to wait until my book comes out.

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Why do Americans not want better gun controls? Isn't the tragedy at Virginia tech a wake up call?
';A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.'; The founding fathers were THEMSELVES citizens fighting AGAINST their native nation's militia. If they had to do it once, they might have to again.

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I don't know what the answer is to prevent tragedies like this. But taking guns away from average citizens is not going to keep criminals from getting them.
first, tell me how gun control can stop a determined psycho killer like this?
These massacres don't happen in neighborhoods where some people carry guns. Why? They know they would be stopped.

The day the other Waco shot several people in a Utah mall (Trolley Square), an off duty Ogden City police officer, saved the lives of only God knows how many more victims by shooting The reason I'm explaining this is because I live in Utah and the next day by business reasons I had to enter Camp Williams (Army base) and because I had my weapon with me, they didn't let me in. That make me think, that maybe was better to leave my gun at home. Then I continue watching the news and saw the families of those who did lost their lives, and recognized that to carry a weapon is not a benefit to me, but to all the community. People are against the weapons for the same reason I am afraid to swim at the beach... Because Universal Studio did a hell of a good job with the movie Jaws.

When you are standing at the bank, K-mart, etc. You are surrounded by people with guns. They are just law abiding citizen... Now only the Wacos do something like it happened yesterday, and the only thing you'll get if you get it your way, is a lot more aggressions against the law abiding citizens by criminals wannabe that do not have the guts now, but knowing that there is no one to defend the victim, will perform.

Why do you think the victims where so many yesterday? Because the VT prohibit fire arms on campus... (Just like the U of U in Utah...) Ironic isn't it. No weapons on campus for the responsible citizens but the Waco had two.

By the way, the NRA do not have a lot of money... They do have a lot of members who have a little bit of money each, and spend them lobbying so we can keep our guns to defend people like Chrys who are not courageous enough to defend them self nor let others defend them. I'm wonder how are they still alive!!!

I also wonder if there where any pro gun control person at VT yesterday, and if they happened to had the thought of ';How do I defend myself?';

In Puerto Rico is very hard to get a permit or even to buy a weapon. But the criminals have arsenals... Don't let politicians to convince you otherwise. There is no reason for the nation fathers to write the amendment II for military purposes... Militants always had, and will carry guns... There is no need for a law for something that is Dee, Dee, Dee!

If I where there, I wouldn't have hesitate to shoot the Waco, that way... maybe your son, daughter, husband or wife, may be still alive with you... Think! People against guns don't have to buy one... but those who like them can not just defend them self but you as well.

God bless you all and the families of the victims from Utah, Virginia, and the US of A!!!
Why does this ridiculous question always come up when there is a wacko out killing someone? There has never been a documented shooting where a gun killed someone. The gun was just the vehicle used. Should we ban cars every time an idiot drives over someone? How about banning knives. They kill alot of people don't they? NO THEY DON';T. Its the crazies. Banning guns just takes them away from the law abiding people, like me.
Laws are on the books,however, I think enforcement of these laws is more the problem. I will concur with those who answered previously, if you are determined to cause harm, you will find a way, laws or not.

I think the media could do a more responsible thing by lessening the coverage of these kinds of events. The coverage now given to these events introduces this kind of irrational behavior to those out there who are a little shaky already.
Our forefathers knew something, as they gave us this right and our country. If guns were banned other weapons would be used. Such as knifes as i the UK, stabbing happen more there than in the USA.

Sorry but if i was attacked by a huge guy with a knife, i would not be able to defend myself. with a gun it levels the field and everyone is equal.
When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.
We have many thousands of gun laws now. If a criminal or a crazy person wants to get a gun, no law is going to stop him.
I'm really getting tired of answering questions like this.

Fact: Parents should be responsible for their kids up to 18 yrs of age.

Fact: Taking guns from law abiding citizens only results in leaving guns in the hands of criminals.

Fact: To leave oneself defenseless is stupid.

Fact: Take away guns, then you'll have to take away, bombs, baseball bats, clubs, golf clubs, canes, umbrellas, fireplace pokers/stokers, large sculptures, cars, trucks, vans, planes, trains, boats, ships, large glass bottles, sharp sticks, rocks, knives, poisons, gas, ropes, wires, guitar, piano, violin, viola, bass fiddle, banjo, sitar, zither, and harpsichord strings, anthrax, small pox, aids, lethal drugs, various metal, wooden, and hard plastic objects, hands, feet, and karate...

Fact: States that have fewer gun restrictive laws also have less crime.

Fact: Washington DC has the most gun control laws of all 50 States, and also has the highest crime rates and murders of all 50 States.

Fact: Liberalism is mental disorder that's going to get us all killed:(
If your not American butt out...
It's too late for gun control. If psychotic people want to get their hands on a fire arm, they can. I am sure that guy didn't think.....';uh, shoot, I can't go get a gun, so I guess I won't go blow as many people away as possible'; Gun control...WAY TOO LATE!
well it should be a wake up call!! we need to do something!!
NRA lifetime member

CCW permit owner
Not all Americans do NOT want better gun control. The majority of us are horrified by this tragedy.
No. Gun laws are only observed by the law abiding.
This incident was very sudden and tragic, I feel terrible. It's a shame that this had to happen but I agree with rossem.
If no one had a gun then the person who is best with a knife would kill a lot of people.
No, it's not a ';wake-up call.'; This is a tragedy, granted--but also a freak occurance. Normal people don't base their lives--or policy--on such.

And NORMAL people feel compassion fror the victims and their family--they don't see it as just a way to promote their political agenda. The ones who do are pretty sorry excuses for human beings.
If someone wants to rob a bank, or kill

someone, they will somehow manage

to get their hands on a gun.

We have a vein of sickness in our society.

Eventually, better education and technology

will make things better.

Passing more ordinances won't.
because the NRA has alot of money and pays a lot of people... also many americans use the reasoning of the second amendment... the truth is that the second amendment was ment so that milita forces were aloud to have weapons, it was never ment that everyone should have a gun but that when a state raised a milita, that there would be no problems with them having gunns... if america knew the real reason maybe they would be more likely to push for gun control laws...

but the truth is that unless no one is allowed to have a gun school shootings will continue, because people can allways find their ways around laws
It's not just about gun control. If a person is looking to do something like this they will find a way - get a gun, get one illegally, build a bomb, release something into the air during the middle of class. If somebody is sick enough to want to kill alot of people for no reason, gun control is not going to stop them.
If there was a nationwide ban on firearms (which all guns are restricted on the VT campus. How come this happened despite the strict gun controls?) in place before this event, two things would have changed...

1) Instead of breaking 20 some laws, Cho Seung-Hui would have broke 21 laws.

2) Millions of law-abiding citizens would have to decide between becoming criminals or continue abiding the law and go against their natural instinct to preserve the self.

You, the government, the UN, or anybody for that matter is in no position to judge and dictate the value of my life. The value of my life is directly proportional to the means afforded to me in defense of its continuation.
Too late. Guns are and will always be available. No amount of paper laws will stop a killer. How about adding better knife control, rock control, car control, better bomb control, airline control, fist control, poison control, etc, etc. How many ways are there to kill?

Give me the circuit for remote controlled using the dtmf chip tech mt8870?

Suggest you look at pages 14 through 18 of this document:鈥?/a>

If you do not understand what is says there, then you probably don't want to build one....Give me the circuit for remote controlled using the dtmf chip tech mt8870?
Have a look here
  • covergirl
  • Questions about becoming a spacecraft control operator or a space shuttle orbiter tech?

    okay so i need to know:

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    2.) what school should i attend? (i was thinking Embry Riddle)

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    thank you!Questions about becoming a spacecraft control operator or a space shuttle orbiter tech?
    Best way of finding out would be to contact NASA. Probably go to MIT, DEVRY, or EMBRY RIDDLE.Questions about becoming a spacecraft control operator or a space shuttle orbiter tech?
    Is this your homework or are you serious???

    You are asking about two completely different disciplines. In either case i would expect a good first class honours degree in Aeronautical Engineering, Aeronautics, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautical Engineering, Astronautics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Mathematics (Pure or Applied), Applied Mechanics, Engineering Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering Physics, Physics, Applied Physics, Engineering Physics, Space Science, or other appropriate physical science or engineering field.

    Check the link below for a summary.
    I was thinking about becomming an astronaut...

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    GUN CONTROL guns, virginia tech, 2nd amendment?

    PLEASE explain WHY we must have gun shops for the general public. WHY? I am looking for a REAL GOOD REASON. Protection?, come on! The 2nd amendment right to bear arms is ludicrous TODAY, maybe 200+ years ago but NOT today. Only law enforcement and certified security personnel need guns. Surely with gun control crazies would not conveniently buy guns, some would, many would be rejected or puzzled by the purchase process or street dealing.

    target shooting? hunting? give em up like one has to give up a sport because of injury. I ruined my knee, had to give up basketball, baseball... but took up bike riding. life has disappointments. sure many crazies would find other ways but some would NOT. HOW freakin important is your obsolete civil war mentality and god damn need to shoot TARGETS!!! former NY'er I've been victim to 2 violent crimes, and I was on Bernie Goetz's side from the git. We do NOT need GUNS to protect ourselves from the govt. They stick it up our butts in ways guns cant.GUN CONTROL guns, virginia tech, 2nd amendment?
    What I don't understand is why the assault weapons ban was allowed to lapse. Had it still been in effect a month ago, this kid Cho could not have purchased any more than a ten-round clip, as I understand the facts to be. Of course, any bullets at all in this kid's hands was a nightmare scenario, but since there was no longer an assault weapons ban, he killed some three times as many people as he would have otherwise.

    I dig the Constitution and am trying to be at peace with the Second Amendment. What I want someone to explain is WHAT is a ';well regulated militia'; and whether the comma after ';arms'; might actually mean something other than what the NRA thinks it does.GUN CONTROL guns, virginia tech, 2nd amendment?
    Let's be practical about this. Guns, when used illegally, hurt and kill. When law-abiding citizens are allowed to carry them, it becomes a lot harder to massacre dozens of people.

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    ';When law-abiding citizens are allowed to carry them, it becomes a lot harder to massacre dozens of people.';

    Yes, but I go to school to learn and I live in this country to live in freedom, not the fear of being attacked by some psycho.

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    I just had to submit my opinion. I too believe that there should be some control on guns, but I don't know the right level. As long as more americans want and buy guns to keep the shops in business. This is not a simple black %26amp; white issue as you would like it to be.

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    You are so naive.

    Oh, I am ALL for getting guns out of the hands of people like Cho. But, even if we ban them COMPLETELY, so that no one can go buy a handgun, shotgun, rifle, assault you REALLY think that will stop things like this from happening? Not at all. When you have someone who is determined to take their rage out on the world, they will find the means to do it. So, go ahead and close down EVERY gun shop in the world. So no one can legally buy a gun. What is THAT going to do?

    Not a God blessed thing.
    as long as man consents to rule by government, each man (ie: responsible citizen) shall reserve the right to keep and bear arms.

    now quit wasting our time.
    You're not required to ';Protect'; yourself, or your loved ones if you choose not to. But those of us who feel that it is in our loved ones best interest to protect them from anything that we can, will continue to do so.

    Despite what you might think, Law enforcement has no legal responsibility to protect individuals.....Not according to the Supreme court at least.

    Enjoy your ignorance, I'll keep my protection....Thanks!

    We need guns to protect us from idiots like this dude at Tech. Too bad someone wasn't carrying!
    Hey you do your thing and we will do ours.... Live and let live.... Which would you like to be Predator or Prey, Victim or Survivor%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;You decide.......You are sadly mistaken in your beliefs........
    That is your opinion, and you have every right to it.

    But do you honestly think that not having gun shops will stop guns and crimes committed with guns? If someone wants a gun, they are going to get a gun. That is that. At least with the gun shops it puts up some sort of ';regulation';.

    The shooter at VA Tech passed the background check. But why should we penalize people for something they haven't done yet, but could? Hell, no man can be left alone with a child, for most child preditors are male, and this would keep children safe from being molested or abused. It is the same thing.

    I think that every person has the right to figure out how they want to live and run their lives. It is not up to the government to legislate morality, and it is not up to the government to decide how a person is going to live. Going down that road will bring us much closer to Orwell's ';1984'; and ';Big Brother';.
    If he hadn't bought the guns in a gun shop, he would have gotten them on the street. And what if he had made a bomb instead, a'la Timothy McVeigh, or poisoned the cafeteria, or put a chemical agent in the heating sytem?

    This school knew he was a nut case some time ago, yet they did nothing. He wrote papers so disturbing that the school won't realease them to the media. He set fires, he made bomb threats. Why was he still at the school? The gun purchases were just the beginning of the end of a downward spiral that could have been stopped months ago.
    I think the propeller on your avatar's beanie says everything that needs saying about this question.
    I feel the 2nd amendment is always taken out of context when USA citizens are discussing their right to carry guns. If you really read the constitution and look at the history and context of the requirements that the government of the day wanted people to carry weapons its clear that the government of the time was trying to ensure the security and safety of their people. Over the years where these guns have been turned to different uses and the fact that USA being a super power would never really require the people to form a Militia to come to the defense of the nation means that the amendment is no longer relevant to its needs and should have been sort long ago. It like the really ancient laws that Europe had on it book which allowed the beating of women during daylight hour to keep her in line - it is ludicrous in this day and age.

    However I feel gun toting Americans will not change their way regardless of how many of there children are killed.

    It is so sad, - I expect the millions of tears shed will just be soaked up by the fabric of American life and things will move on.

    So, sad.
    Thanks for the rant. Too bad closed minds don't come with closed mouths.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
    oh its ridiculous huh. how will you protect your family when a gun toteing robber breaks into your house and you don't have one because the right to own a gun has been taken away from you, and your family ends up dead because only criminals have guns. come up with something else because I won't be giving up my gun to make you and the other anti-gun people happy
    Firearms are used by private citizens in the U.S. to legally protect and defend themselves over 2 million times every year. The police can not be everywhere and can not protect everyone.
    I am a hard core Liberal and I think gun ownership is a pursue of happiness if someone gets their kicks off shooting a gun in a safe place so be it. I also don`t think you should not eat anything you are not willing kill yourself. I see the Republican talking points are that the Liberals want to take your guns away put I think these days it is the extreme religious right that wants guns ban.
    Gun control is not the answer, if some crazy dude is going to snap and kill a bunch of people gun control will not stop him.
    Learn about what happened after the Nazis instituted gun control for the people in the 1930's and you might begin to get a clue.
    While we're at it lets ban freedom of speech. The only reason people use it is to bash someone else, or the government. Let's also ban the freedom of press, then we won't have to read all them lies in the tabloids. Of course the Fourth Amendment has got to go, that way we could kick in doors at random to see who is violating the law and who isn't. Heck, let's just burn the Constitution and start all over. All of those rights are over 200 years old and are outdated. Don't you agree?
    I do not think ALL guns should be banned, however I do believe handguns and automatic weapons SHOULD be banned. Or at least restricted far more than they are today.
    Excuse me but, your reasoning is exactly the same that got hitler in power. In the broadest since Citizens need guns to protect them from an oppresive government. in todays enviroment We need guns and other weapons to protect our persons, Because the police and security guards cannot be there 24/7 and because the police is not there to protect you as an individual they are to maintain order and protect thr public at large.(There is also the famous court case, in which a woman who sued the DC police for taking over two hours to respond to her call of an intruder entering her house, was told that the police had no responsibility for the safety of individual citizens. She was beaten and raped; the police arrived just in time to do nothing. ) Bottom line is we need lots of guns and other implements of destruction and the training to use them properly.
    The grass is always greener on the other side. Did you know cars kill people?. Did you know disease, food, water, wind, and natural causes kill people?. Did you know people kill people without the use of a weapon?. Why don't we picket Mother Nature?. Why don't we just ban people?.
    Years ago a town in Georgia proved the concept that gun ownership reduced crime. The adult citizens of the town were required by law to have a firearm and the ammunition for it. The crime rate dropped to practically nothing. There have been several interviews done with inmates who said that the homes they would be least likely to burglarize, the citizens they were least likely to try to rob, were the ones where they thought they might come up against a gun. So apparently personal protection is a valid reason. Give up target shooting and hunting? If you hadn't hurt your knee and someone suggested that you give up your sports you'd have thought they were crazy. ';You shouldn't do it because I don't want to do it'; is not a valid argument against gun ownership and their use.

    ';KENNESAW, Ga - Several Kennesaw officials attribute a drop in crime in the city over the past two decades to a law that requires residents to have a gun in the house.

    In 1982, the Kennesaw City Council unanimously passed a law requiring heads of households to own at least one firearm with ammunition.

    The ordinance states the gun law is needed to ';protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants.';

    Then-councilman J.O. Stephenson said after the ordinance was passed, everyone ';went crazy.';

    ';People all over the country said there would be shootings in the street and violence in homes,'; he said. ';Of course, that wasn't the case.';

    In fact, according to Stephenson, it caused the crime rate in the city to plunge.

    Kennesaw Historical Society president Robert Jones said following the law's passage, the crime rate dropped 89 percent in the city, compared to the modest 10 percent drop statewide.

    ';It did drop after it was passed,'; he said. ';After it initially dropped, it has stayed at the same low level for the past 16 years.'; ';
    If your opposed to the second amendment then don't own guns.

    The reason people have firearms ranges from personal protection to to recreation. Whether you like or not peolpe have these rights. I imagie someone who has been the victim of 2 violent crimes would be more sympathetic to the right to bear arms.

    Another thing to consider is not everybody lives in a major city where police respond quickly. In rural areas guns are both a tradition and a necessity.

    I too used to live in NYC, so I can relate to some of what your saying. However, living in a rural Southwestern area, wild animals are now my biggest threat, and on accasion using a firearm has been necessary.

    What people don't seem to understand is, that no matter how many gun laws you pass, you can't legislate what people are going to do with them once they purchase one.
    Hunting and fishing is a way of life in my family and we have always had and Will always have guns. The 2nd admendment is there for a reasaon. Let me get this straight, just because you screwed up your knee and had to quit sports, then we should have to give up something too? Your the same liberal that says ';what is your is mine';! Security of our property and families is a must, especially in today's liberal screwed up world, with people like you. Gun control is HITTING your target! People kill people, not guns! Go back to your kool-aide! And I agree with Alan!
    If guns were banned, we'd be worse off than we are now, no meat for food, hunters provide food, no protection, so you go ahead and be all against guns and we'll see who comes out on top. I suggest you shut your mouth and don't worry about it!

    Gun Control has it promoted or discouraged the types of events that has happened at Virginia Tech?

    I'm starting to think that the young man and those like him at Virginia Tech and Colombine, may have hesitated if they knew that there was a very good chance that some of those he was attempting to kill were carrying guns as well.

    At the very least,I would bet if some of those students or professors were carrying it would have reduced the amount of those fatally shot.

    Do you think that you would feel more at ease if you knew your childs classroom teacher, principal were trained and armed to defend against an attacker?

    At this point those who are intending on using weapons for crimes have them accessable ( legally or illegally) and we can't always rely on police protection.Gun Control has it promoted or discouraged the types of events that has happened at Virginia Tech?
    Not certain it has done either. There are some things here that are facts.

    No law could have prevented this, gun control or anything.

    The police could not have prevented this.

    There are two possible things that could have and neither is very pretty.

    First, there was ample warning that the guy was seriously unstable, had someone blown the whistle to the appropriate authorities the man may have been placed into custody, that would have at least forestalled if not prevented the murders. The scary point is obivous, if we as a society are constantly blowing the whistle on suspected mental cases, there will be a lot of people being picked up for their eccentricities, even those who would never harm anyone and it plays right into the hands of the heavy hand of socialist re-education.

    Second, had an adult with a weapon been around there could have been a chance that they could have either disabled the shooter or scared him off. There is always the danger here for innocent people to be injured, but it is one risk I would prefer if I had been there disarmed.Gun Control has it promoted or discouraged the types of events that has happened at Virginia Tech?
    Amen sista! Cowards always chose helpless targets to make their ';point';. They couldn't get out their message of evil and domination if they got shot at before doing the deed. The biggest example is 9/11. Cowards!!
    Those are my thoughts exactly! Less gun control, less fear!
    The gun control crowd has made us all sitting ducks. I say all law abiding citizens should carry a weapon. It looks like every massacre is worse than the last. If all law abiding citizens had a weapon, maybe the number of murdered would have been less at VT. It is easy to learn how to handle a gun. It is easy to learn how to use a gun. It is a hell of a lot easier to defend yourself from homicidal maniacs with a gun. The group that needs a gun the most is the weakest prey. That would be women. A gun is the great 'equalizer'. The police are simply not able to defend citizens during the 30 seconds when they need it the most.
    Only one policy has ever been shown to deter mass murder: concealed-carry laws. In a comprehensive study of all public, multiple-shooting incidents in America between 1977 and 1999, the inestimable economists John Lott and Bill Landes found that concealed-carry laws were the only laws that had any beneficial effect.

    And the effect was not insignificant. States that allowed citizens to carry concealed handguns reduced multiple-shooting attacks by 60 percent and reduced the death and injury from these attacks by nearly 80 percent.

    Apparently, even crazy people prefer targets that can't shoot back. The reason schools are consistently popular targets for mass murderers is precisely because of all the idiotic ';Gun-Free School Zone'; laws.
    there wouldn't have been any hesitation, and while we that type of environment would work in a perfect world, it would cause a lot of other problems in real life. if anything the idea of others being armed as well just makes it all the more exciting; the issue isn't whether or not you're going to run up against resistance - it's like suggesting that women won't get raped if a rapist knew that there was a good chance that he could be raped himself. the issue you're flirting with is whether or not more guns, and easier access to guns by the general public can help to create a safer society at the end of the day. the answer is that it would not; being in a possession of a handgun requires emotional maturity that the average person doesn't possess, and you can never get it without being through some situations with a gun first. you can't just carry a gun, or be trained to use a gun, and then be expected to do the right thing when you've never had to use that gun before.

    these are kids who are still fascinated and infatuated with guns because it's foreign to them. then they use the gun, and can't deal with what it does and end up killing themselves. you're talking about someone being able to process what just happened after they've killed tens of people without reason; eventually they're going to have to deal with that on some level. the average person isn't going to make it through that.

    if those students use the guns every day, if they're living that type of life and in they're in those situations, then yeah that's probable. but you're talking about privileged kids coming into a situation where they've never seen anyone be shot at, never seen anyone hit by a bullet and never had to pull the trigger themselves. some of those kids probably never even hear shots go off before in real life. what good is it going to do them to be armed when they can get nervous and end up hitting some kid behind the shooter or whatever the case may be?

    schools need more security; actual cops with the authority to take someone out whatever the case may be - it's quite obvious by now that this isn't the case of someone shooting someone, and you can work out the details of why later. these are kids that are going to shoot a plethora of individuals, then take their own life because they are depressed. we have to change the laws in this country and the way in which we deal with these types of situations. they're still talking about the kids state of mind, what he's been through, how troubled he is. who really gives a *; he's killed thirty people, and he took his own life, so what does any of that matter. you can't prevent this type of thing, but you can minimize the damage that occurs ...
    In this case, the criminal killed himself, therefore robbing anyone of seeing justice done. I believe that there are too many people who do these horrible things, believe that it doesn't matter because the legal system will not do anything to punish them. If they had a fear that the consequences of there actions, would be swift and certain, then maybe second thoughts would be there, but our namby pamby society, protects the criminal's rights and to heck with the victims. Do I believe more gun control is the answer? NO. We don/t even enforce the laws we do have. We have too many liberal judges and lawyers, who are afraid to punish criminals for fear of losing money and power. I wonder if the outcome would have been different had a teacher or another student had intervened with a handgun. The one guy who was mistakenly detained after his two friend were shot in the elevator, what if he had had a gun? and protected himself, maybe 30 other people would have been alive. There are many states that have concealed handgun classes. The one I took was very strict about not only gun safety, but with lectures from attorneys about the consequences of using a firearm, protecting yourself or not. I was raised around guns and raised my children, now grown, how to shoot and be aware of your surroundings and where the bullet is going to end up. They couldn't even have a .22 rifle until they took a mandatory hunter safety course. This guy, in whatever state of mind he was in, was going to commit murder by whatever means necessary, he just chose to use a gun. He could have done the same thing with a Ford F-150 pick-up, driving into a crowd, or used materials similar to the Ok City bombing. So, no, gun control would NOT have stopped this guy from killing someone, but maybe more people with concealed carry license and a weapon could have averted this tragedy. Law enforcement can't be there 24/7.
    have you ever heard of a disgruntled cop going to the police station and killing 32 people? NO, because most would shoot back
    wow. you related stalin or somethin?? this kinda s~~t only happens in america. now ye dont no wat to do!! ha ha ha ha!!!! it so typical of the american ';people';
    THELASTID, where have you been keeping your head???? Your reverse psychology sounds like you are a real Flamer! I have been legally carrying a firearm for 22 yrs. as an LEO and an additional 7 years as a P.I.. When FL past the laws that allowed one to legally carry a firearm I also became legal again. I have never committed a crime. My brother who is a world class trap, skeet and upland game hunter for 50+ years. He has never committed a crime. Every member of my gun club in KY numbering near a 1000 men and women equaling thousands of years of gun use and ownership have never committed a crime.

    Your answer wasn't thot out and over-whelmingly stupid. You shouldn't came to a battle of wits unarmed.
    More and more power is reaching more and more hands.

    Should everybody be allowed to carry a nuclear weapon, just because somebody else might be using one against them?

    If not, then who decides?

    Actually, I think the people that do own guns shouldn't and the people that don't own guns should.

    That is why people that own guns are more apt to commit crimes with the weapon of power.
    Gun control has done nothing to stop or even slow down violent crimes. Look at Japan, guns are outlawed. yet a Governor was just shot and their gun crimes aren't far behind ours. Yes I would feel better if more people were properly trained to use guns and were armed. I believe the criminals would be a little more cautious if they knew there was a good chance people would shoot back.

    Did gun control play a factor in the V-Tech tragedy?

    I don't mean they whack job that bought the gun, I mean the laws that prevent law abding people (faculty, staff, and students) from carrying concealed weapons. If one other person had a legal gun, would 31 people be dead today?Did gun control play a factor in the V-Tech tragedy?
    Whether there was a stricter or more lenient approach to gun control events like these are still going to happen and although they are great tragedies unless it was impossible to get hold of guns and bullets, never going to happen, these events still have a possibility to occur.

    I agree, if other people had been carrying weapons the death toll wouldn't have been 31. I would have estimated it closer to 50 or 60.

    In a panicked environment with lots of people running round even the most highly train marksman can't guaranty 100% that they would hit the correct person carrying a gun. Most accounts state that people froze or tried to hide, carrying a gun wouldn't have solved this problem.

    Then consider gangs of armed students walking round trying to find the killer, probably causing gun fight when they met other groups.

    Guns are not the main problem with violent crime, Canada has equal access to gun but less violet crime per capita. UK which has a complete ban on guns has 80 times less violent crime per capita than the USA, but is still higher than Switzerland which has a very liberal approach to guns, more so than the USA. Society is the really blame for most violent crimes.Did gun control play a factor in the V-Tech tragedy?
    Gun control would not have been a factor in the V. Tech. tragedy because guns are not ';allowed'; on any school campus in this country. That sets up a scenario where a hostile gun person would be the only person armed but that is not going to change. Could you imagine, ';Put your guns %26amp; books on your desks %26amp; get ready to go.'; What would have saved 30 innocent lives that day would have been for the campus to have been ';locked down'; when the first shots were fired. A ';rumor'; that a person on campus has a gun should cause a campus to go into lock down. The fact that no lock down order was given was dirrectly responsible for the deaths two hours later. Whoever failed to give that order should be charged with negligent homocide %26amp; the school should be litigated into oblivion.
    No, it would be 32, and no the control was not a factor, since there is no gun control in this country. Also, they are ';Law Abiding'; Citizens exactly because of that, they abide by the Law not to have concealed weapons, the ';whack job'; that did this , couldn't care less about the Laws, even if there was a gun control. Let me make a disclaimer here, is not that I'm for guns, but given the facts, all these mass murderers are driven by mental and physical circumstances. Weapons are just some of the means to perform their actions. Remember the Unibomber? Timothy McVay? 9/11? Would had made any difference if the 3000 dead had guns with them?
    Laws do not adequately protect people.

    Laws are actually the root of the problem.

    For the law is ';both good and evil'; ends evil.

    Check out evil ';concupiscence'; in the Holy Bible.

    Romans 7: ';another law'; makes you feel ';wretched';.

    I think that adequately describes how the parents feel.

    Connect these biblical dots to solve the mystery:

    Our Father, deliver us from ';evil';: Matthew 6:13

    We are delivered from the ';law';: Romans 7:6

    Allegory clue: law is evil, as well as good.

    Law is corruptible, and it's more often corrupt.

    Have you never heard of police being on the take.

    Have you never heard of the wrongfully convicted.

    Perhaps you missed the TAKE HEED 101 Class.

    Wake up and Smell the Odor.

    Law and Odor: Pew: the smell of Death.

    Law is ';the ministration of death';: 2Corinthians 3:7.

    POINT: ';Grace'; is neither of two ';law';s in Mt22:36-40.

    Grace neither tempts(laws) nor can be tempted(lawed).

    Therefore and thereby Grace cannot lie(law) nor die(law).

    Evidently Mt 22 and Rom 8 Law Law does both: lie %26amp; die.

    The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.
    I do not believe it should have been so easy for him to get a gun. Obviously his intentions were not to defend himself but it seems like to me there should be some kind of instructionaly requirements and maybe anger control evaluation before issuing a gun. Anyway, I did hear at one broadcast that there was a few attempts made to stop the guy by individuals who were unarmed which really bothers me now that I think of it. Considering if they were armed they would have been much more successful.
    This is the 21st century not the wild, wild west. (And even way back then not everyone packed a pistol!)

    We need fewer people with guns not more.

    Why is there no strict gun control after NIU, Virginia Tech, et al?

    This does not make any sense to me. People in the USA do not need guns in my opinion. Food can be purchased in grocery stores.Why is there no strict gun control after NIU, Virginia Tech, et al?
    Keep honking I am reloading. What Communist country are you from?Why is there no strict gun control after NIU, Virginia Tech, et al?
    Yes but how does that food get to the grocery store in the first place? They have to shoot the animals. The Founding Fathers knew that a gun wielding society was necessary for a free state. The second amendment was implemented for one reason. If the government goes too far. If the government were to become totalitarian, fascist, etc... and a peaceful protest movement wasn't enough (if the police, military started killing people). The people would need guns to revolt. Almost every bastard regime in history took the people's right to bear arms. Look up the Nazi Weapons Act of 1938 for Nazi Germany's example.

    The Soviet Union took those rights away, Mussolini's Italy took those rights away, Mao Zedong took those rights away, Castro, I could go on and on. Also, all your doing when you gut the second amendment, is giving guns to the criminals. The criminals are going to get their guns whether it's banned or not. An excellent example is what happened in Toronto. Toronto banned handguns in 2003. What happened was guns were smuggled from the United States for Jane and Finch gangs, Rexdale gangs, whatever. In 2005, Toronto had a record 52 gun murders. It was the highest murder total in 30 years. Gutting the second amendment does you no good.
    Cars kill people, matches cause fires that kill people,heart attacks kill a lot of people..mabey we should outlaw them too....GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE...... PEOPLE DO!
    I am generally not opposed to individual ownership of guns. But anyone who thinks that we don't have a gun problem in this country isn't paying attention. The number of deaths that comes from the end of a barrel of a firearm is simply unacceptable. Canada has similar gun laws as the U. S. but does not have the problem with violence that exists here. Could it be they have better fought poverty, and differences between the haves and have-nots?
    You have to put this question to the gun lobbyists in Washington D.C.!
    It has nothing to do with food. We have a 2nd amendment for a reason. To protect ourselves. Washington dc has made gun control laws 1972. A study shows that from 1991 -2001 the murder rate rised 200%. Only 2% of the murders were made by persons who were registered gun owners. This is because the citizens have no means of protecting themselves from criminals. In Switzerland, it is mandatory for all home owners to have a firearm and their murder rate is zero% This is because the criminal knows they are armed and it is too risky. If you don't believe in guns, then maybe you should do some research on gun control. 99% of college and high school shooting have been made by individuals who came from metal institutions. By federal law they are not allowed to own a firearm. There is a black market however.
    The Second Amendment has nothing to do with procuring food. It has everything to do with personal liberties and the Resistance to tyranny.

    One of the first acts of any tyrant is to confiscate civilian firearms. Unarmed peasants make for better cannon fodder. Ask Mugabe's subjects in Zimbabwe.

    More people were killed in the 20th Century by tyrants then personal firearms.

    I will make a deal with you; if you can completely rid the world of tyrants, bullies, criminals and psychopaths, then I will relinquish my firearm.

    Until then I will leave the slavery to you.
    Yeah food can be purchased in grocery stores. I'm slightly retarded and I know that last line made no sense.
    Gun control does not work. NIU was a no gun campus. The law abiding students and faculty complied, the bad guy did not. Perfect example.
    this are all inside jobs using MK-Ultra type ';programmed assassins'; used to attack the second amendment.

    there was mountains of eyewitness accounts at Columbine to show that there was many adult shooters at work that day apart from the mind controlled teenagers blamed for it.
    Unfortunately, taking guns away from the citizens would have no effect on shootings. Only law abiding people would not have guns. Meth and other drugs are illegal. But that doesn't stop the purchase and use. The same would hold true for guns. The criminal element would still obtain firearms.

    Monday, January 18, 2010

    What exactly is a pest control service tech?

    They are the person who goes to houses and applies the treatments for whatever the pest problem is. Nice title but not as nice of pay.
  • makeup tips
  • I want to know which institute provides part time course for M Tech In controls or electrical?

    for puneI want to know which institute provides part time course for M Tech In controls or electrical?

    A very informative website you can also get much information in websiteI want to know which institute provides part time course for M Tech In controls or electrical?
    punjab technical university

    Course: MTech (Part Time)

    Description: MTech (Part Time) In pursuance of the decision of the Board of Governors of the University in its meeting held on 20th November, 2002, the Vice-Chancellor established Regional Centres for M. Tech. Courses in its affiliated institutions. The regional centres established in the affiliated College are a part of the university. They are administratively, financially and academically controlled by the university and degrees are awarded by the university.


    Eligibility:The eligibility criteria for admission to M. Tech. (Part Time) courses is regular B.Tech./ BE degree of Punjab Technical University or its equivalent with at least 55% marks in aggregate.

    1. Mechanical Engineering (Production Engg.)

    2. Mechanical Engineering (Thermal Engg.)

    3. Mechanical Engineering (Machine Design)

    Eligibility: B.E./ B. Tech. in Mechanical Engg. / Industrial /Production/Manufacturing/ Welding / Material Science / Metallurgy

    4. Electronics %26amp; Communication Engineering

    5. Instrumentation %26amp; Control Engineering

    Eligibility: B.E / B. Tech in Electronics %26amp; Communication /Electronics %26amp; Instrumentation /Applied Electronics /Instrumentation %26amp; Control / Electrical %26amp; Electronics. M.Sc. in Physics (with specialization in Electronics)

    6. Electrical Engineering

    7.Power Engineering

    Eligibility: B.E / B. Tech. in Electrical / Electronics %26amp; Instrumentation /Applied Electronics/ Instrumentations %26amp; Control/ Electrical %26amp; Electronics

    8. Environmental Science and Engineering

    9. Industrial Engineering

    Eligibility : B.E. / B. Tech. in any branch of Engineering

    10. VLSI Design

    Eligibility : B.Tech. in Electronics %26amp; Communication / Electrical Engg./ Electronics %26amp; Instrumentation/ Electrical %26amp; Electronics/ CSE/ IT/ Control/ Micro- Electronics

    11. Civil Engineering (Structural Engg.)

    Eligibility : B.E./ B . Tech. in Civil Engineering

    12. Computer Science %26amp; Engg.

    Eligibility: B.E / B. Tech. in Computer Science %26amp; Engg. /IT

    13. Chemical Engg.

    Eligibility : B.E /B.Tech. in Chemical Engg

    Emergency! Need help from computer tech. I changed my desktop image and now have no control over my system.?

    All I can access is task manager. I cannot get to control panel. I do not even have a menu bar. I can restart. Safe mode does not come up. Can anyone help me? I have yahoo open if you can please find me: kdugruise I would appreciate any help ASAP. Thank you.Emergency! Need help from computer tech. I changed my desktop image and now have no control over my system.?
    You messed with other than that.

    It sounds like you set your pc to operate in background mode.

    When you power up press F8 and get into your computer using Safe Mode.

    You can then undo you changes.

    Tip: I think you changed your system performance settings.

    Check like this

    Control Panel




    Programs and not background services.

    If US had a ';virginia tech'; every month, how many months B4 they change gun control laws? 1? 5? 30? 200?

    I would like Charlton Heston to answer . Please give him a nudge if you know him.If US had a ';virginia tech'; every month, how many months B4 they change gun control laws? 1? 5? 30? 200?
    50 yearss....If US had a ';virginia tech'; every month, how many months B4 they change gun control laws? 1? 5? 30? 200?
    You have it right. THe NRA will need to understand the role that they have had in all of this, beginning with their absolute refusal to read and understand the whole of the second amendment.

    This was a part of the argument that Michael Moore made in ';Bowling for Columbine';. He was also unable to get an answer from Heston, despite the fact that Moore is an NRA member.

    Until they do, the only answer is never.
    Never. The 2nd ammendment will never be changed. The only thing I see happening is a psychological profile test or a background check that includes any stays in psych wards or suicide attempts.
    OK...if there was a car crash in Va that killed 32 people every day, how many months b4 they make it illegal to drive cars? 1? 5? 30? 200?

    People kill people. With weapons, cars, bare hands, and drugs...etc.
    We have gun control laws in place, but they are not being enforce. Everywhere law abiding citizen are allow to carry guns, the crime rate goes down. Look at Washington DC where gun are illegal.

    If one student or teacher had a legal gun at VT, then there may have been less people killed.
    Even illegal drugs can be found everywhere, how would you take away all the guns??? Freedom is out best protection!
    every slaughter strengthen their paranoid belief everyone must be ready to retaliate
    Why don't we outlaw ';Murder';; oh yeah we already did that.

    Doesn't seem to stop the killers; does it.
    Mr. Heston has been trying to change the law for years. Glad to hear you agree that citizens should be able to have guns to defend themselves.

    You may want to think about joining the NRA to help the cause.
    The truth is, the federal gun laws in place would have stopped him but Virginia's guns laws supersedes the federal laws in this case.

    Because Cho was deemed unstable by a judge under federal statutes he shouldn't have been sold a gun. In Virginia a person has to have been committed to a mental institute before his gun rights would be taken away.

    It's Virginia's fault.
    Sorry to change the subject, but do you know that there is the equivalent of a VT in Iraq EVERY DAY? And they have only 25M people to our 300M.

    How do we solve it here, how do we solve it there....
    90% of those that went to school have been bullied. I think they will go to home schooling before they change the gun laws.

    Japan already bans civilians from having guns, yet a Japanese mayor was shot to death the same day those people in Virginia Tech were. There have also been a couple of school attacks in Japan in the last couple of years where the students were stabbed.
    While most American men have 'manhood' thing about owning a gun, it will never change.

    'Gotta have a gun!'

    The US is the ONLY country in the world where the 'right' to own a gun is firmly ensconced in the Constitution.

    Insecure bunch of wussies.

    Charlton is busy. Busy fondling his 'gun'.
    We could pass a million gun laws and it still wouldn't do any good because they only restrict law-abiding citizens.
    To tell my the truth the gun laws are already too strict. If teachers or students over the age that the state has selected were able to have weopons on the campus, then they could have killed or disabled this pyscopathic gunman. I would hope that they would be less strict with gun laws.
    stuff it already moron.
    It would take politicians family members to be shot, that's all.

    As long as there is money to be made from it, it will be allowed.

    You remember the war on drugs don't you? The Reagan plan? Well did it work? Fact is, there is more money busting you on drugs, than there is if there is no drugs.
    not long
    Far more people are killed everyday by automoblie accidents but you don't see us banning autos now do you.

    Also we only have these kinds of tragedies right after or right before elections just so you know.
    Funny, I was wondering just how much more before we stop protecting the crazies of the world from the damage they do to the rest of us. How many times was he reported for his strange behavior? Why did it take something like this to happen, and why couldn't something have been done before this to prevent it? I know, he had RIGHTS, well what about the rights of the everybody else? When does that start counting for anything?
    They would give everyone guns so that he would have been shot by someone else after the first few. It is too late for your country. Even if they banned guns only good people would stop having them, there would still be thousands avaliable to whoever wants them.
    30,000 killed by guns last year?
    People, that have children no less, have owned arms for hundreds of years. How many 'VT''s do we need to see before parents begin raising their children with morals, an instilled value of human life, respect for others and intelligence?

    It's like the other age-old argument... do we outlaw cars because people get killed with them? Or do you teach responsible driving?


    Re: the Va. Tech shooter. Shouldn't there be better Psycho control? Vs Gun Control?

    From what I have been reading this kid was a real loser/loner...had a grudge against ';rich kids'; (i.e. well adjusted middle class kids with a good head on their shoulders) and ';Deceiptful Charlatans'; (i.e. well adjusted and cute co-eds that wanted nothing to do with that loser)...would not respond to any greetings and refused to introduce himself in classes. In other words a psycho!!! Can't we ban them??? LOLRe: the Va. Tech shooter. Shouldn't there be better Psycho control? Vs Gun Control?
    This guy had already set fires at the school, and is believed to have been responsible for the bomb threats that were called in to campus. It's too bad that someone didn't intervene after he set the fires and put him on a ';hold'; in some psych ward.Re: the Va. Tech shooter. Shouldn't there be better Psycho control? Vs Gun Control?
    Look at what you just said....You are the type of people that pushed him over the edge.
    part of any gun control should be to try and identify those with mental disorders.
    If this is what the symptoms are for a psycho, then we will need ban most liberals too! I bet Stephen King also had some disturbing writings in his classes. This all comes down to personal responsibility. This kid apparently didn't have any.
    It was probably people like you that made him feel this way.
    It's no laughing matter. Mental illness in all forms is a big problem in this country. If more people seeked treatment there might not be these sorts of catastrophes.

    This boy had problems and his professors noticed it, perhaps someone could have intervened and prevented the shootings.
    We should vote out the kooks who believe guns make sense in the hands of every american.
    AHA! Someone whom gets to the root of the problem... Though I hate guns, revile them, and believe the only purpose of a gun is to maim, kill, and otherwise destroy perfectly good matter in it's path. I think that more thought needs to be given to the nature of the people that do these horrific acts rather than the vehicle with which he does this. The bigger questions are: What in our American Society is triggering such vileness in the human spirit? Why do we as a society shake our heads at such violence and mutter about how sad it is, but do not create fundamental change to stop it? These MUST be answered before the problem can stop--Gun Control just creates a detour, not a new path.
    There was for years but Reagen's Sorceresses Joan Quigley closed down the Nut Houses.

    Go Team Red Go
    That would make too much sense.We used to have insane asylums for unstable folks.What ever happened to common sense? I want to know why people want to ban guns,but not automobiles.After all,some drunk might get the keys.

    Tech help with 1989 CHEVY Silverado Climate control vent actuators?

    I recently had my heater core replaced and afterwards the airflow only came out of the floor vents no matter what was picked.

    It really pisses me off when I drive on cold days and the window fogs up like a mother.

    It has a push button electronic control and appears to have motor vent actuators as apposed to the vacuum style. I tested the 3 relays behind the dash the climate system uses and they all work fine although the motor vent actuators aren't budging.

    I suspect a disconnection somewhere but I don't know where. The dash electronic climate control unit appears to send the commands fine to the relays but after the relays nothing happens. Heat control works fine.

    Any ideas? GM Experienced techs only please.

    Tech help with 1989 CHEVY Silverado Climate control vent actuators?
    the blend door or the actuator that directs the flow of air is unplugged or the physical door itself is jammed...this all has to be disassembled to install a heater core....your system is vacuum driven...chances are its unplugged or there a vacuum line that didn't get hooked this blend door sysytem.....look under the dash on the passenger side for either ...also look under the hood to make sure that the vacuum is hooked up at the sorce...your under hood vacuum routing sticker will show you where the vacuum originates from.....but why not go back to who you paid to do this job? paid for a complete job...why not get it?Tech help with 1989 CHEVY Silverado Climate control vent actuators?
    Your wiring is messed up. Follow the harness to see where it is shorted.

    Why is school violence so out of control in America, and I'm not just talking about VA tech.?

    one out of a zillion theories. I think human life has been devalued and children don't get the attention in the home that they need and this is a very bad start. They end up not valuing their own life if their parents can't sacrifice enough to be good parents, which is so often the case now. People are selfish and want what they want. In the old days, parents were devoted to their children and knew how important their job of parenting was, to teach them right and wrong. I also HATE video games where they are constantly doing violence.Why is school violence so out of control in America, and I'm not just talking about VA tech.?
    I don't know...its crazy though and it needs to be addressed soon.Why is school violence so out of control in America, and I'm not just talking about VA tech.?
    Because we are not allowed to conceal carry on campus.
    Several reasons.

    1. Copy cats. They see someone committing violence and getting a lot of attention, so they do it.

    2. Attention. Kids crave attention, good or bad. If they don't get the good attention, they will go for the bad.

    3. Violence on TV and the Internet. The shock value of seeing the taking of lives is not what it used to be. Kids are numb to the pain and violence they see inflicted on others.

    4. Resources. Many schools lack the resources to effectively deal with a child in crisis. Also, with the firing of teachers to cut costs, roles change as to who should do what in regards to a child in crises.
    no gun control would be a good place to start i think. I really believe that America is burying it's head in the sand on this issue. How many murders and massacre's have to happen there before they wake up? I would never take my children on a holiday there for fear of one or all of us getting caught up in some lunatics rampage.
  • makeup tips
  • Questions about becoming a spacecraft control operator or a space shuttle orbiter tech?

    okay so i need to know:

    1.)what degrees i would need to earn?

    2.) what school should i attend? (i was thinking Embry Riddle)

    3.) what are some of the Job responsibilities?

    4.) any specializations i would need? Describe.

    5.) i need all the sources.

    I've been trying to find info on this ALL day. and Im going to keep trying but if anyone could help me out that would be SOOOOOOO nice.


    thank you!Questions about becoming a spacecraft control operator or a space shuttle orbiter tech?
    an Engineering degree of some sort would probably be bestQuestions about becoming a spacecraft control operator or a space shuttle orbiter tech?
    A degree in physics or any hard science would really help.

    A pilot background would really help. I would think seriousl about doing ROTC for the Air Force, with the goal of becoming a pilot. That in itself is a major undertaking.
    I agree that a BS in physics or another hard science is good. Another place that you might look at is NASA's employment listings:鈥?/a>

    Does Monday's tragedy at Virginia Tech. not expose a need for reasonable, common sense gun control?

    If Monday's tragedy at Virginia Tech University doesn't suggest a dire need for RATIONAL gun control, then NBC and CBS need to re-hire Don Imus. How can anyone, in good conscience, fire a man for his speech but allow the senseless slaughter of 32 students and faculty to go unanswered? I am an advocate of gun rights! I hold a Tn. carry permit and I carry my gun everywhere I go. However, WITH those rights come responsibilities and if a person is declared by a judge in a court to be a danger to themselves as well as others, then that person shouldn't be able to walk into a store and purchase, not one, but TWO guns, ammo, and extra clips!! I grew up watching Star Trek and Mr. Spock and this is not logical captain!!Does Monday's tragedy at Virginia Tech. not expose a need for reasonable, common sense gun control?
    If the judge had made the shooter's mental health exam a court order, then it would have shown up on the background check. But he didn't. If the counselor, who noted that the shooter was a ';danger to himself';, had tried for a commitment, it would have shown up on the check. But he didn't.

    The safeguards were in place, but the people responsible for meeting the standard failed.

    More gun control isn't needed, better reporting of mental health issues is.Does Monday's tragedy at Virginia Tech. not expose a need for reasonable, common sense gun control?
    I don't disagree that there are certain things that should be flaged when purchasing a fire arm. However, that being said, do you really think that would have stopped this guy from doing what he did? You can not predict what people will do or what they are capable of doing on a daily basis. Cocaine is illegal, but those who want it will find a way to get it. Lets be sensible but remember... once you start down that road how far will it go? Privately owned restaurants are now being to how to cook food (trans fat) and that they can't have patron's that smoke. All in the name of the ';good of the people';.
    I totally agree with you. I think if you have to carry a lot of cash for work, you should be tested and then given a weapon. But if you have no specific need for a handgun except maybe someday, someone might enter your property, thats not a good reason.

    We have to limit ownership to Rifles and shotguns, they are fine for security at home.
    your argument sounds fair but the more I think about it the more I come to this opinion....Guns are probably in a sense like drugs,if you really want one you could get one somehow or another and if your a psycho your going to kill with a knife or homemade bomb or whatever so its the person not the weapon IMHO..............
    Good question.

    I agree.

    I am an advocate of banning handguns altogether, except for law-enforcement use. There is no reason to have a handgun other than to shoot a person.

    However, I realize that will never happen.

    So we should at least put as many restrictions as possible on who can buy them.

    -No non-US citizens.

    -Nobody with a criminal record

    -Nobody with any mental health issues

    -Nobody who has been in the US for less than 15 years


    Pregnancy test: Tech said that the test line showed before the control lone, and was just as dark. Twins???

    NO history of twins in family, but why hormone so high?Pregnancy test: Tech said that the test line showed before the control lone, and was just as dark. Twins???
    maybe your hcg levels are high because your further along than expected... and it might be possible for them to spike.. also maybe the test was just very sensitive... Good Luck and Lots of baby dust ++++++++++++++++++

    TracyPregnancy test: Tech said that the test line showed before the control lone, and was just as dark. Twins???
    There's no way to determine if you're having twins just from the pregnancy test alone (pee on stick) only way is to have a sonogram and even then, sometimes (rarely, though) doctors miss them. Also, if the control line showed up and the test was messed up, maybe you aren't really pregnant and it's just something else in your system (a cyst, hormone levels, etc.) that's causing a false positive. Did you check with your doctor?
    Determining whether you have twins from HCG levels is not an exact science. The levels do tend to be higher, but there is a lot of overlap between the healthy singleton and healthy twin HCG counts, so you really can't tell. Especially since they only did a qualitative (line) test rather than a quantitative (gives an actual number). Basically you have 3 options:

    1) You have twins. Congrats! Someone in your family had to be first, and it looks like it's you.

    2) You ovulated earlier than you thought and so you are further along with a singleton pregnancy than you thought. Congrats!

    3) You have a high HCG singleton pregnancy for whatever reason. Congrats!

    Ask if your doctor will order an earlier ultrasound than normal to see if you can see two gestational sacs or just the one. That's really the only way to tell for sure.

    After the V. Tech shootings (33 dead), is it time for tougher gun control laws?

    Would this crime have happened if it weren't so darned easy in this country to buy a gun or guns?After the V. Tech shootings (33 dead), is it time for tougher gun control laws?
    No, gun control causes crime. Gun control has never worked anywhere so why cite it as a solution? Gun control is for Stalin and Hitler, not free Americans.

    I think it was a tragedy first and foremost and my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families.

    The killer alone caused the crime, but the high number of victims is directly caused by gun control. The Virginia Tech killer never registered his gun, so why cite registration as a solution?

    They were just sitting ducks with no way to defend themselves much like the victims of Colin Ferguson. Concealed-carry advocates warned us all long ago to expect tragedies like this as long as we have gun control.

    When only criminals have guns the rest of us can only ponder tactics like ';notifications.'; Up to two million Americans defend themselves with guns and citizens with guns legally kill two times as many would-be killers as do police!

    In a state where concealed-carry is allowed or promoted, the loss of life could have been much less. He may have shot one or two, but a concealed-carrier would have dispatched him right quick.

    Sadly there is no way to prevent a killer with a gun. In tribal Africa where there are no manufactured guns, tribesman make them from pipes and rubber-bands so clearly gun control is not the answer. You can make a gun out of wood in an hour! He could have stabbed just as many with a knife.

    Since you will never stop the OFFENSE, we must allow ourselves a DEFENSE. We are not all of one culture anymore, so violence will only increase.

    HB 1572 was a Virginia state bill to allow college students to carry arms on campus to protect themselves from tragedies like what happened at Virginia Tech. The bill was defeated

    The spokesman for Virginia Tech was happy to hear the bill [HB 1572] was defeated. ';I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus.';

    The fact is NOT passing the bill allowing students to defend themselves caused many more deaths. States that pass concealed-carry laws experience lower crime rates, Texas is a good example of this.

    The only way to prevent these killing rampages is concealed-carry. Would you rather protect yourself or wait for the folly of police or school ';notification?”After the V. Tech shootings (33 dead), is it time for tougher gun control laws?
    Yes, someone that disturbed is going to find a way to kill if that's what they want to do. In the 1980s the worst serial killer in the history of the world was a man in the Soviet Union. With all their strict government controls on everything, Andrei Chikatilo aka ';Citizen X'; still found a way to murder over 50 women and children.

    WIth all the power that Corporate America now has and with someone like GWB running the country, I absolutely don't want to see our right to bear arms repealed.
    Of course it is time.. but it will never happen.. big business and the Stupid Rifle Association will keep the law there. I can only hope that the next time there is a killing and there will be.. it is children of the fools who keep these laws legal.

    It is too late in the United States.. we have had guns for too long now.. what a very backward country we are after all. We should all be ashamed and have these kids lives on our conscience.
    Well considering no one knows, who the shooter is, what weapons he used during the shooting.

    Your question is a little premature.

    Who's to say the shooter didn't legally buy his weapons after a background check and taking a training class.

    We just don't know right now.
    Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
    It is time to curb the national lover affair with violence and murder. Our most popular movies, film, computer and video games, music in this country promote, and glamorize gratuitous violence. It is the match that lights the fuses of those on our society that are already on the edge.

    Note the trend prior to the 1960's guns were lest restricted and widely availbale but gun crime was still low. As this country restricted the media less and less and violent random sensless violent crime soared.

    This society worships violence. Is it suprising that some turn fantasy into reality?
    HELL NO! If you outlaw guns, only the outlaws will continue to have guns. Is that the kind of place you want to live in?

    This guy could just as easily killed 33 people by running them down with his car. Should we ban cars then?
    Gun control laws only serve to keep guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens. Every dictator, throughout history has pushed for gun control. You have to control guns to have a dictatorship. This is why we made the 2nd Amendment. If all the students were armed too, then there probably wouldn't be any school shootings, because if you shot someone, it could cause a civil war and nobody wants that.
    All that is going to happen with tighter gun laws is that only the criminals will have them. I bought my gun legally for protection and even got a permit to carry it. It wasn't as easy as you think it is. The only EASY way to get a gun is illegally. (I have had a stalker for 13 years and the idiot even knew when I went to the cops and had them start a stalking file on me. He has friends who gave him the information. The only reason he stays away now is he has seen my gun, I showed it to him when he came to my house after my hubby went to work. I told him I would use it. He still follows me around. Even out of state!) So, NO, no new gun controll. Let citizens have their rights!
    No on the gun control, but it might be time for better lunatic control.
    The time was way before this tragedy happened.
    well, if more people carried guns the shooter would have gotten put down a lot faster....
    This guy had a handgun, and several clips. That means that he put a lot of thought and planning into his crime. Do you believe he wouldn't have found a gun elsewhere? If I thought for a minute that creating laws could solve this problem, I'd be right there with you, but some things simply can't be legislated away. In the absense of guns, he could have built pipe bombs or home-made grenades. I understand that it's unsettling to learn that safety is illusory, but I don't believe that the legislative branch can solve the particular problem.
    Guns don't kill people. People with guns shooting at people without guns kill people. Make guns more accessible to the everyday citizen.


    people will always be able to get guns and kill people. gun control has not changed it.
    If you check into the laws, you'll find that it isn't easy to legitimately buy a gun(Hollywood not withstanding). A better answer would be to allow those people who want to have guns, have them. Had there been one or two armed citizens in the vicinity, this guy might have been stopped, before all these people got killed. We can not depend upon the Police to be standing beside us, to protect us. We must do it ourselves, and take responsibility for our own safety.
    absolutely not, in fact I am seriously considering carrying on campus. If you take away legal firearms they all that is left is the illegal ones. How are honest citizens able to protect themselves? Concealed carry licensing should be available in all state including DC. However they shouldn't be as loose as states like Washington, where anyone can walk in pay $60 and get a five year license (there is a Background check). Texas has it right, there you have to attend a class on deadly force and safety, and in addition the applicant must show proficency with a handgun. If even 10-20% of the adult population were carrying these event would be less likely to occur, and if they did there is a higher probability that they will not escalate to this degree.
    No, because now that people can own guns they can defend themselves like they did at Va. Tech, and 33 people won't die, and...oh, wait a minute.
    Do you honestly think that shooter or shooters would not have had weapons with tougher gun laws? There are many places to get them. Often people do not stop to think about just how many guns are out there and how few are ever used for a crime.

    When the high tech ';system of the beast'; takes control of the first world countries will you stay or move ?

    The system has already deceived the Christians into believing they will be they will be of no help in opposing the evil that will rise up all over the world.

    .When the high tech ';system of the beast'; takes control of the first world countries will you stay or move ?
    Those who are lost and without Christ will not be able to escape the rule of the Antichrist. They will be pawns in his hands to rule over as he sees fit. They will stop laughing at Christians when they see that the prophecy of the beast has come true and the Christians were right after all.

    If they take the mark they will be instantly damned forever, and then they will stand before the Christian God, just as the Antichrist will, for judgment and sentencing for punishment.

    Your final statement about Christians shows your ignorance of what your actual place in the society of the ';beast'; will be.When the high tech ';system of the beast'; takes control of the first world countries will you stay or move ?

    This is a joke right?
    I'll make a fortune selling tinfoil hats to the credulous.
    Try smoking cigars with your mother, or vice versa.

    Did you know that the high tech ';system of the beast'; is on sale now at Best Buy in the car alarm section? Pretty good deal. :-P

    Seriously, If you correctly interpret scripture, you'll see the true church won't be around for that nonsense and the true Christians who become born again DURING the tribulation (after it has started) will never deny Christ no matter what evil befalls them.
    You can get High Tech System of the Beast for a discount on EBay.

    You poor deluded people. How can you live with with yourseves.....
    Call this number to complain:

    You have to be kidding... and if your not go find yourself a good doctor.
    As an atheist I fear only the ignorance of all of you. There is no high tech system of the beast.

    You only invent it to justify yourself.
    must be conspiracy theory night do you have a little bunker in the woods too? do me a favor stock up on bottled water and canned goods like spam man i love spam
    Christians will be taken to heaven before the system of the beast takes control. But for what you should do i do not know. Just don't take the mark!!
    I rember that band what ever happened to them?

    Virginia Tech shootings? Another call for gun control...?

    Out of over 800 people, security gaurds and the one availed of the constitution to defend themselves with the gun lobbyist claim. This guy killed over 30 people with no resistance from anyone. The dream of an armed populace is just that, a dream. Whilst the criminals still can go around and do this because guns are available like CANDY..

    distugsting..Virginia Tech shootings? Another call for gun control...?
    Do you really think the person responsible for that act is a law abiding citizen? Should I be punished because he isnt?Virginia Tech shootings? Another call for gun control...?

    Put in all the possible detection and serveillance equiptment and Bring back the ';American Family'; Women should be proud to be the ';Mother'; and it should be the joy of her life!! There is NO greater job, NO greater ambition then to bring children into the world that you will do all you can to assure that they become a loving and compatible, highly functional, happy Human being!
    that's because universities prohibit the possession of firearms in dormitories!
    My heart is just breaking. I just don't understand what is happening and if gun control is even the answer because it seems that people will find a way to get weapons if they are determined
    A similar incident in Australia in 1996 killed 35 people. This occured after a long history of many other multiple homicide shootings.

    The 96 incident in Australia caused us to wake up and realise that guns do need to be strictly controled in our socienty. Ever since the tightening of our gun laws gun violence has fallen dramatically.

    I hope and pray that this incident will cause the U.S. to wake up.... its time to take action...... enough is enough.... to many innocents are killed each year for no reason in the U.S. due to guns..... The U.S. homicide rate far outnumbers any other western country and something needs to be done.....
    Keep blaming things.... You will never help the problem...

    Why try to go everyday with being a nice to a complete stranger?

    How old were these kids?? last time I check you had to be 21 own a handgun..... Where did they get theirs??

    Gun laws will do nothing...

    You do not help the problem.
    And if guns were illegal, that would stop criminals. Wake up man. Plus the anti-gun lobby has it's hands tied. To remove guns from people would call for invasion of privacy, and you know the ACLU wouldn't stand for that. Just like the cases they have against schools and universities where there are searches. They say it is unconstitutional, but then blame the schools for no security. It is sad. Plus people are so afraid to do anything today, if someone would have shot this man, his family would sue them, and people like you(I have read your tripe) would be calling for that person to be fired. Saying it could have been settled in a peaceful way. What a joke. So basically there is no answer. Until people can stop blaming each other, things will get worse. Keep suing schools for added security, then blame them when things like this happen. Guns should be regulated, but not outlawed. As I said, a criminal isn't going to get one legally anyway, plus you can't get millions of them off the streets without seizing them from innocent people. And that will never happen.
    Guns do not kill, people kill. To have gun control is to disarm the populace and allow the criminal to have a gun.

    Shall we ban baseball bats and piano wire too, they are both deadly weapons
    Gun control or everyone having a gun cannot ensure a tragedy like this will never happen again. Armed students may have been able to help. Banning guns doesn't mean there would be no guns. It would only be another useless law. Criminals certainly would love it. They would feel safer when entering your home. No one banned box cutters or jet travel after 911.
    If some person (who is a criminal) wants a gun...why would more stringent gun control stop them? They obviously don't give a crap about laws because they commit crime, more laws would not stop them. Switzerland lets everyone have guns (and learn about self defense etc) and their violent crime rate is low. I think it all boils down to the fact that people have problems...if it wasn't guns it would be something else.
    we need stricter gun laws. it is WAY too easy to get a hold of a gun. i mean besides this gangs are killing young people everyday in inner city neighborhoods.. its an ongoing war and for the same reason that guns are easily accessible to young people and just people in general.
    Criminals still can go around and do this because unarmed citizens are available like CANDY!

    Gun control causes crime. Gun control has never worked anywhere so why cite it as a solution? Gun control is for Stalin and Hitler, not free Americans.

    I think it was a tragedy first and foremost and my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families.

    The killer alone caused the crime, but the high number of victims is directly caused by gun control. The Virginia Tech killer never registered his gun, so why cite registration as a solution?

    They were just sitting ducks with no way to defend themselves much like the victims of Colin Ferguson. Concealed-carry advocates warned us all long ago to expect tragedies like this as long as we have gun control.

    When only criminals have guns the rest of us can only ponder tactics like ';notifications.'; Up to two million Americans defend themselves with guns and citizens with guns legally kill two times as many would-be killers as do police!

    In a state where concealed-carry is allowed or promoted, the loss of life could have been much less. He may have shot one or two, but a concealed-carrier would have dispatched him right quick.

    Sadly there is no way to prevent a killer with a gun. In tribal Africa where there are no manufactured guns, tribesman make them from pipes and rubber-bands so clearly gun control is not the answer. You can make a gun out of wood in an hour! He could have stabbed just as many with a knife.

    Since you will never stop the OFFENSE, we must allow ourselves a DEFENSE. We are not all of one culture anymore, so violence will only increase.

    HB 1572 was a Virginia state bill to allow college students to carry arms on campus to protect themselves from tragedies like what happened at Virginia Tech. The bill was defeated

    The spokesman for Virginia Tech was happy to hear the bill [HB 1572] was defeated. ';I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus.';

    The fact is NOT passing the bill allowing students to defend themselves caused many more deaths. States that pass concealed-carry laws experience lower crime rates, Texas is a good example of this.

    The only way to prevent these killing rampages is concealed-carry. Would you rather protect yourself or wait for the folly of police or school ';notification?”
    Libs will now ban all Colleges. It's simply not safe.
    yes the anti gun movement will use this like they do all other shootings ....... but ppl ( who ever reads this ) if we cant keep illegals and drugs out from coming accross the borders and off the streets ..... how do we think banning guns to the average citazen would help anything ...... im pro gun ..... and i know it's like telling a life story to fill out a registration for buying a gun .... and banning them wont stop the criminals from getting them it will only take them from the ppl who have them legaly registered for sporting, hunting and home deffence purposes. ... would write more if i thought it would do any good. ....... hey ask the english how low thare crime rate is from non armed citazens ..... last i heard thare jails were over flowing so much that crimes like asault and sexual assault on minors was going with out any time in jail. just a fine ...... bottom line ppl have killed others since the begening of time .... take some of the very first of all ...... Kaine killed his own brother Able with a rock ..... I hate to say it but it's the truthe ppl kill ppl if not with a gun then a knife, stick or thare own hands ... guns dont kil ppl ... people kill people.
  • makeup tips
  • After the events today at Virginia Tech, is it time to talk about gun control in the USA?

    You can't control crazy people and if you think you can then you are even crazier than them.After the events today at Virginia Tech, is it time to talk about gun control in the USA?
    Hitler and Lenin both instituted gun control laws... Blaming the gun for what a moron does is like Rosie O'Donnel blaming the spoon for her being fat. Duh...After the events today at Virginia Tech, is it time to talk about gun control in the USA?
    As long as I am alive NO. We have a 2nd Amendment and obviously society has a problem. Society however, does not have a gun problem. Stop blaming an object, start blaming people. After guns, will we ban thoughts???
    Cons will tell you in order to stop school shootings you need to give students more guns.

    Black is white. Bad is good. You must chop down trees in order to save them (Bush policy). You must take away some of our civil liberties in order to protect our freedom.
    People who would commit a crime with a gun, would commit it by other means. Think about other places in the world. Yesterday there were 56 people who were killed in iraq by bombings. That happens there every day. And since you can make a bomb out of household products, you cant ever control the crazy people when access to means to kill people are always going to be available.
    Look at the millions of gun owners, then look at a single crazy loon. People kill other people everyother day, by constricting the device, it does not eliminate the motive. Look at our motor vehicles and look at the number of homicides associated with our cars. Gun owners in general are responsible citizens.
    I thought you had to have a mental test before you bought the gun. Anyway this guy at Virginia Tech is probably some little crazy anyway.
    No it's not, but it's already starting. What people don't realize is that Conceal and carry laws reduce violent crime in every state in which they are instituted. Don't believe me? Check the links...

    Nutcases, wife beaters, and violent felons don't need guns! Yet somehow, they keep getting them.
    I think it's time people asking this question to stop. Using the deaths of fellow Americans to further your own agenda and opinions shows a lack of compassion.
    For one loose nut? No, it is a tragedy, they do happen you know. Maybe if someone on campus had a legally registered hand gun, less would have been killed and wounded.
    If you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns.

    Look at England, for example.

    There is a reason for the 2nd Amendment. Control the criminals and the illegal sources from where they get there guns. Not us citizens.

    The person who commited this massacre was not a law abiding citizen, he does not care about gun laws and would have done this even if guns were banned. If you take guns away from citizens, then we are all sitting ducks.
    no, you should wait a few days to cool off and then do what you like.
    Ah...let me ponder that for four nanoseconds.


    Yes; there's no difference between a sign that says ';No firearms permitted on the premises'; and one that says ';Unarmed victims only beyond this point';. Those signs and restrictions should be removed immediately.
    The person responsible already broke several laws. What would making more laws do to stop it? Regulating anything only effects those who already adhere to the rules, not to those intending to break them.
    Timothy McVeigh didn't need a gun.

    Look, there are all sorts of ways to cause destruction. I almost like the popularity of guns as it reduces other more destructive devices that people would be carrying around with them.
    Since when has the anti-gun camp needed an excuse to ';talk'; politicians into curtailing our Second Amendment rights?
    yes we should only allow the criminals to have guns (sarcasm)

    I seriously doubt that more gun control would have prevented this.

    For this moderate (and gun loving and owning lib) gun control solves nothing. I am not sure that more hoops are what is called for...perhaps addressing why this wacko went on a murder spree is the better answer.
    When you can buy a gun down at the corner, or out of the back of some guys car, I'm sure a gun control law will solve the problems of today. All the bleed'n hearts need to do is stand up for capital punishment %26amp; punish the people who use guns in a crime. Instead of giving them all expense paid room %26amp; board w/ satellite tv, conjugal visitation, room service, steak meals, gym equipment......
    no. what you are talking about is punishing the whole class so to speak because one person was acting out. i dont want my right to own a gun or guns stripped from me because some lunatic with no self control took a gun and shot a bunch of people.gun control has nothing to do with someone with no self control. gun control would never stop the really rottens or lunatics from acquiring weapons to commit harm.
    Gun control? People who are going to commit these crimes are not going to care about gun control, why take the right to bear arms away from law abiding citizens?
    No.... We need to talk about mental control. Wack jobs like this guy needs to learn just to kill themselves instead of taking a bunch of people with them.

    Taking away guns works along the lines of locks... Locks only keep the honest people out. If this guy went to the extent og killing 32 people then I am sure he will go to the extent of finding a gun illegally on the black market.
    If one of the students in that dorm were armed, perhaps 30 others would still be alive.
    Absolutely... It's time we open up gun control laws and allow students to defend themselves against armed gunmen.
    No, it's time to HAVE gun control.
    It was time, not only to talk about gun control but to introduce gun control in USA, a long time ago.